Transmigrated Into The Disabled Villain’s Cannon Fodder Partner


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Yun Yan woke up for the second time and found himself transmigrated as a cannon fodder of a melodramatic, stand-in novel, who shared the same name as him.

The dodder-like¹ role practically existed to highlight the protagonist shou’s purity and innocence.

Originally, he could’ve married off into a rich and powerful family and be the idle “daughter-in-law”, but he was persistent on leaving the marriage for “true love”.

In the end, betrayed by this “true love”, he died miserably in the flames of fury of his “fiancé”.

The moment he transmigrated into the book, Yun Yan was in the process of fleeing.

Looking at the scumbag “cheater” in front of him, Yun Yan threw down his stick².

—— Sorry, I still wanna stay for a bit longer.

Returning to the wedding site, when he saw his fiancé ——

Yun Yan: … He’s so good-looking.

Why did he want to run away, did the original owner’s brain have a hole in it???

* 1. 菟丝 – Essentially a parasitic flower that gets a majority of its life essence from its host.


1. Gong and Shou are the only ones for each other.

2. Neither the gong nor the shou can escape the “law of true fragrance”, as well as all kinds of face-slapping scenes.

3. Gong’s leg isn’t good, but he has a prosthetic leg. Be careful to take caution.

4. The author’s plot is useless, it goes to say that my feelings writing is better than the story ovo

Content Tags: Fantasy Space, Wealthy Family, Entertainment Industry, Book Transmigration, Light-Hearted, Cannon Fodder

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New Wintercreeper
June 30, 2024
Status: --
Entertainment industry.

The writer's introduction is a lot longer and includes mentions of variety shows, dramas, and so on.
Would be good to include that in the description here because it's quite prominent.

No rating because I didn't expect it to be entertainment industry and frankly aren't into that, but I have to say that the plot is... strange, at least up to where I read.
Seems a bit like a pet-project not quite meant to be read by unsuspecting outsiders, it was rewritten several times while the novel was still going on.

I have no idea which version I read, if all parts belong together, if some are old and some rewritten, or if the story is just this strange.
Going by the comments and reviews, it probably is.

It's crack, I think that category fits it best.
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