Transmigrated as the Fake Young Master, I’ll Beat up the Scumbags and B*tches


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I transmigrated into the body of the Villainous Young Master.

Why am I a fake while everyone else is real?!

The real Young Master wants to oppress me. Even my fiancee wants to break off our engagement.

Bring it on, then!

Just when HuMing was about to beat up the b*tches and scumbags, the gazes of the girls around him became increasingly strange.

“Didn’t we say only to cooperate?”

“Well, we’re just here for our payment.”

The gentle smiles on the girls’ faces made HuMing weak on his knees.

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Date Group Release
07/02/24 iNoveltranslation v1c4
07/02/24 iNoveltranslation v1c3
07/02/24 iNoveltranslation v1c2
07/01/24 iNoveltranslation c1
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