Transmigrated as a Scumbag in a Post-Apocalyptic Novel


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Chen Wan wakes up to find herself transmigrated into a dog-blood post-apocalyptic novel, becoming a scumbag with the same name who gave her wife to others to play with and suffocated her child because she thought the child was a burden.

In the original book, Chen Wan had no abilities. To please the team leader and secure a way to survive, she willingly gave her wife to several alphas in the team to play with. She also thought the child was a burden and suffocated the child while her wife, Jiang Yanxin, was away. This scene was witnessed by the heroine, Jiang Yanxin.

Later, Jiang Yanxin escaped from this insane team, met her destined alpha Wei Siyu, and together they avenged those who had humiliated Jiang Yanxin, cutting the original Chen Wan into hundreds of pieces and feeding them to zombies.

Chen Wan: I definitely won’t be a scumbag!

Fortunately, in her previous life, Chen Wan was a member of a female special forces team, so her skills and physical abilities are top-notch. Plus, she inexplicably gains an RV upgrade system. In the apocalypse, she leads her child and the heroine to hoard supplies and avoid zombies, living quite a flavorful life. During this process, Chen Wan also regains the trust of Jiang Yanxin and the child…

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