The Young Bride in the Courtyard


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Upon waking up, Lin Xiaohui finds herself transmigrated into a book as a supporting female character with the same name…

At this moment, she is on a blind date with a slim, handsome man.

Chen Yan said, “My father died in the line of duty, and my mother has some minor mental issues. But don’t worry, she just doesn’t like going out or talking much. She has no problem doing household chores. I also have two younger sisters whom I must raise until they become adults…”

In these times, men who marry rural girls usually have some problems, so Lin Xiaohui dared not marry him if he didn’t have any issues…

No matter how poor he is, he can’t be worse than the men in her village who don’t brush their teeth or wash their faces, are poor, aggressive, and hit wives…

Most importantly, Lin Xiaohui is attracted to his looks…

After marriage:

The supposedly mentally ill mother-in-law turned out to have severe social anxiety and was tirelessly managing the household for Lin Xiaohui, following her around like a little attendant…

The supposedly fierce elder sister-in-law is tough on the outside but soft on the inside. She cries in private after scolding others…

The supposedly unreasonable younger sister-in-law is only siding with her family. Whatever the big sister-in-law says is right. If Lin Xiaohui wants to start a fight, she’s dares to hand over a kitchen knife…

Lin Xiaohui thought, “Where is the troublesome mother-in-law and meddling

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