The World I Created is so Popular


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I was just making a virtual reality game because the fantasy world was too boring…

“The Deus commands it! Go and retrieve the hidden item, Paladins! Our god desires it!”

“We must not fall behind the Republic scum! Increase the farming speed!”

“Treacherous Empire dogs! Today, we shall purge our enemies and reclaim the hunting grounds!”

“By the order of the Demon King, the hidden class shall belong to us demons!”

“Elves of the World Tree! The hidden class is ours!”

Something feels off.

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Otherworld TRPG Game Master (1)
Another World Game Developer (1)
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Date Group Release
06/26/24 KariMTL c3
06/24/24 KariMTL c2
06/22/24 KariMTL c1
06/21/24 KariMTL prologue
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