The Way of Life for a Terminal S-Class Hunter


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[S-Class Skill, Life Flame is used. As a skill penalty, life force is reduced by 1 day.]

Woo-hyun, who doesn’t have much time left due to the skill penalty that reduces his life force, decides to hide this fact and quietly prepare for his end alone. However, as Woo-hyun tries to leave, Seo-heon, his longtime friend, changes his attitude affectionately, saying he will try to change Woo-hyun’s mind. Meanwhile, Lee-han, who has been like a younger brother to him, confesses his feelings. Regardless of Woo-hyun’s wavering emotions, his life force continues to decrease, and his physical condition worsens…


“I guess I’ve been neglecting you lately.” After thinking to himself for a while, Seo-heon came to an unexpected conclusion and stood up without hesitation.

“If you still want to leave in a month, you can do so.”


“I can’t accept it right now.” A long shadow was cast.

“We’re not the kind of people who can be defined by just a piece of paper like this, are we?” Seo-heon tore up the resignation letter in front of my eyes. It was something I had spent quite a long time thinking about and writing, but he was still as willful as ever. Moreover, it was annoying how skillfully he mixed in words that would make me react sensitively. As he intended, my conscience was pricked and hurt.

“It’s not like we’ll never see each other again just because I leave the guild.” My once-confident voice faltered. Seo-heon’s words made my resolve weaken. Moreover, I felt ashamed because I had partially lied, intending to minimize the time I would spend with Seo-heon during my remaining days.

“Really?” Seo-heon asked sharply, as if he had read my mind. Seo-heon definitely doesn’t have any special mental skills. Even if he did, it shouldn’t be strong enough to break through my mental barrier level, so why does it feel like he’s reading me like an open book?

While I was at a loss for words, Seo-heon came to his own conclusion. “I guess I’ll have to try courting our dear Vice Guild Master to keep him around.”

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How a Limited-Time S-Class Hunter Lives
시한부 S급 헌터가 사는 방식
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