The Villain Turns Into the Infatuated Second Male Lead


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Yin Zhiyi, a notorious villain in a romance novel, finally faced divine retribution for his countless misdeeds. Unexpectedly, a system approached him, and upon waking up, he found himself reincarnated as a miserable second male lead, destined to traverse through numerous worlds.

World One: Yin Zhiyi, the adopted son of the Qiu family, had repeatedly schemed against the male protagonist to seize his position, ultimately meeting a tragic end in the plot. Upon waking up, he found himself reincarnated as the fiancé of the beloved woman of his own younger brother. Watching his brother, who had been driven out of the house by schemes, end up at his ‘fiancée’s’ home, Yin Zhiyi, as the elder brother, decided to make amends while completing the system’s tasks.

Gentle, Pure-hearted Fiancé (Second Male Lead) x Fallen Aristocrat

World Two: Yin Zhiyi, upon reincarnation, returned to six months before the apocalypse. He became the rich second generation boss and secret admirer of the female lead, who happened to be the male protagonist’s superior. Seeing the reborn male protagonist desperately stockpiling supplies, Yin Zhiyi generously lent him a large sum of money. With a grand gesture, he nipped the apocalypse in the bud, turning the male protagonist from the richest man to the most indebted one.

Creditor Boss (Second Male Lead) x Indebted Reborn Male Protagonist.

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