The Things I Can Do for You


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There’s someone I love. We were even engaged. But after a high fever of unknown origin left me unable to move my left leg, the engagement was called off.

And now it seem the man who was supposed to become my adopted brother might marry him.

I have no role to play, there is no meaning to my life.

Which is why, at least for his sake…

(featuring a young noble determined to sacrifice himself, a father desperate to defend his son, and a prince who just wants his love back)

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  1. Next Reading List 10
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  3. short but good **romance** (mix)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/29/24 Foxaholic 18 c4
06/29/24 Foxaholic 18 c3
06/29/24 Foxaholic 18 c2
06/29/24 Foxaholic 18 c1
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