The Sword Emperor Reincarnated in the Sword Family


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In the duel of the Sword Emperor (검제), three of the Ten Masters of the Martial World (우내십존) were severely injured, and three of the Seven Absolutes of the Heavenly Lotus Sect (칠절) were killed.

“Not only did you come alone to knock on the gates of our sect, but you also dared to challenge me to a life-and-death duel? You are not so foolish as to be unaware of the disparity between us.”
“The Ten Masters of the Martial World and the Seven Absolutes of the Heavenly Lotus Sect could not give me the answers I sought. You are the only one left.”

The Sword Emperor, a seeker who pursued strength solely as a martial artist, a figure reminiscent of the ancient times.

After a final duel with the Heavenly Demon (천마), the greatest martial artist of the era, which marked the end of his life.
He awakens in the Cardenas family, the strongest sword family on the continent!

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검공가에 환생한 검제
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