The Story of Buying a Busty Beautiful Sl*ve for Er*tic Purposes, but Things Don’t Go as Planned Because She Starts Admiring Me as Her Teacher


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The elf girl Halo, known by the nickname “The Ultimate Magician,” is actually a former male who came from modern-day Japan. Ever since arriving in this different world, Halo has been burdened by one major concern.

Even though Halo’s current body is that of a girl, her heart remains male. It’s inconceivable for her to see males as romantic interests. What she really want is to engage intimately with girls!

To fulfill such fantasies, Halo purchased a busty beautiful girl sl*ve, albeit with a slight sense of guilt. However, due to a trivial lie she told out of concern for appearances when buying the s*ave and her unwittingly caring behavior, things unexpectedly take a turn in a completely different direction…

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Eroi Koto Suru Tame ni Kyonyuu Bishoujo Dorei o Katta Hazu ga, Oshishou-sama to Shitawa Rete Omotta Toori ni Ikanaku Naru Hanashi
I Bought a Beautiful Female S*ave with Big Breasts for the Sake of Doing Lewd Things with Her, but She Adores Me As Her Teacher and Things Don’t Go the Way I Expected
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Shoujo ai and Sonyeo salang

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/26/24 Foxaholic c3
06/26/24 Foxaholic c2
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