The Romance of the Glorious Tang


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Recalling the days of Kaiyuan’s prosperity, even small towns held tens of thousands of households. The rice was rich, the millet was white, and both public and private granaries were abundantly filled.

In the fourth year of Kaiyuan, the Tang Empire was at its peak, and Chang’an in Jingzhao was the most prosperous city in the world, without exception.

Yao Chong, Song Jing, Li Bai, Wang Wei, Zhang Xu, Wu Daozi, Yan Zhenqing, Gongsun Daniu, Pei Min, Guo Ziyi… at this time, the sky of the prosperous Tang was filled with brilliant stars.

Born in a prosperous era, Du Shiyi, once a prodigy now faded into an ordinary person, worried not about the world’s affairs but about how to live more brilliantly in this second life.

The grand Tang Dynasty had majestic spirit and pride, confidence and composure, generals and prime ministers, and the grand palaces of the heavenly capital, where dignitaries from all nations paid homage!

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