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One day, high school student Hayato is suddenly transported to another world. There, he receives a gift called ‘The Hero’s Blessing,’ an omnipotent skill that only heroes can possess. However, as a trade-off, the more he uses this power, the stronger his s*xual desires become, and he develops a constitution where he can’t m*sturbate as he wishes. In this world, he meets various attractive women: Chiki the fairy, Freyja the doll-like cute Mizetto, Miyo, his childhood friend and classmate who was also transported to this world, and Minami, the class representative. As he forms a party with them and goes through battles and a slow life, Hayato struggles to find ways to relieve his pent-up s*xual desires, but…

‘That’s right, this isn’t a blessing at all. It’s a curse.’ ‘It’s impossible… If this continues, I’ll go crazy.’

The forbidden otherworld harem slow life fantasy, swirling with s*xual desire and reason, begins!!”

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Sono Isekai Harem wa Seiyakutsuki.
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