The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband


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The first time they met, all the other noble women scurried away in an attempt to distance themselves from him as much as possible. Only Ye Huaiyang remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away from Chu Jinglan.

The third time they met, he threatened to take her life away; and yet, she fearlessly shifted herself closer to him; easily succeeding in planting a kiss fully on his lips before sighing in satisfaction – she is now happy; and can die without regrets.

The fifth time they met, the two of them were forced to hide in the bookshelf. Grabbing the opportunity to cop a feel, she managed to tease him till he felt as though his entire body was ablazed.

Subsequently, the two of them were finally wed to each other. He wanted to overthrow the Emperor and claim his rightful place, so she accompanied him on his treacherous journey without complaint, diligently removing every obstacle in his way. And when the critical moment finally arrived, Ye Huaiyang set in place the biggest trap she had ever set in her entire life; and bravely marched to her solitary death.

Chu Jinglan, who had always been calm and restrained, angrily grabbed hold of her – “What did you take me for? Did you think you could just decide to stop teasing me so abruptly after all you’ve done?”

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72 Reviews

Jun 03, 2020
Status: --
Hi, I am the current translator for this novel and not good in giving a review, so do bear with my yapping...

This novel was about a girl chasing after the man of her dreams. There were some heartaches that readers might feel for the female lead as she was one who would do anything in her power to ease the male lead in the quest of taking back the throne. The female lead was brilliant, straightforward and at times adorable. It did took a little time for the male lead... more>> to warm up to the female lead, but once he fell for her, he truly fall hard.

All in all, I do think this is a great novel though there were some tears jerking moments. Do give it a try and pardon if there was any mistakes in my translation as it is rather a difficult novel for me to translate.

Thank you for taking the time to read my translation and also this review. Do enjoy and leave some comments or reviews. Thank you. <<less
155 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 03, 2021
Status: Completed
The author did an excellent job of creating heartwarming and bittersweet relationships, so don't be surprised if your eyes start to sweat at times...

I loved the FL so much!

The FL is what drew me into the story because she is fearless in her pursuit of the love of her life. What can I say, I'm a sucker for female leads who are unapologetic about their feelings.

Some readers may avoid the trope of the "protagonist falls in love first" because they believe it makes a strong female lead become weak and... more>> vulnerable, but this novel proves the opposite. The FL's love is what made her stronger and inspired her to become the Ye family's matriarch.

Now let's talk about the ML

I'm not sure why people are irritated by the ML's lack of trust and affection at first... Are we even reading the same novel? We're first introduced to him after he had lost both of his parents, and his brother, who is behind everything, married his ex-fiancée...

If anyone thought that a little flirting from the FL would fix everything, then his backyard would already been full of concubines.

So anyways, be patient and enjoy every stage of their love story because it was well worth it (in my opinion). <<less
57 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 25, 2020
Status: --
I know this is a good novel after reading a few chapter. Maybe because the one who actively pursuing are the FL so people got put off, especially when this story happened in ancient time. But seriously folks! This is an amazing read.

This novel remind me of Tyranical Wang's Beloved Wife but while Li Hong Yuan trowing pit everywere so Jing Wan cannot marry other except him, Ye Huaiyang trowing pit everywere so she can seduce Chu Jinglan. I love how bold she is 😍

My favorite line:

Chu Jinglan: "Does your... more>> elder brother know what you are doing?"

Ye Huaiyang: "That's not important as long as my heart knows what I am doing."

Don't you just love her?! ❤❤❤❤

Ps: The kiss happened at their six meeting ;-) <<less
32 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 13, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel was good at the start.

The MC seemed somewhat intelligent and the ML had his own forces.

However everything goes downhill immediately after

... more>>

Chapter 57 when MC and ML finally have s*x and are together. Neither of the two plans to wipe out the evil false emperor or even kill the guy, instead getting played around easily by the emperor and doing side tasks. We learn Lu Heng is a s*upid scumbag who ditched his pregnant wife, we find the MC using 0 IQ and getting captured, and the ML has scattered incompetence all over the place. The happy ending is nonsense built on ridiculous plot armor. The scum ML has almost no protection on MC, not even an escape route. This is the weirdest novel with incompetent ML where MC keeps getting assassinated and the MC&ML don't just assassinate back. It's a bunch of nonsense.


Novel doesn't deserve smart couple tag because they don't do anything particularly wise. However at least they part time schemed to show the audience that they didn't love each other yet couldn't get rid of the Meng fodder that obviously should have been removed.

Don't advise reading since it's mostly frustrating occurrences and lacking the romance.

sigh. Worst of all is that neither of the two supposedly smart people can't even tell constant vomiting = pregnancy when they have s*x almost all the time apparently =_=.

Love straight up deleted their IQ's. <<less
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I actually have mixed feelings towards the "protagonist falls in love first" trope. Maybe because I relate more towards the female protagonist so her struggles in chasing her love makes me uncomfortable. I tend to stay away from these but after reading a few chapters, my interest was fully captured by the MC in this story- Ye Huaiyang.

Ye Huaiyang was written beautifully. She's that girl who is persistent and cunning towards chasing the ML but at the same time, her love is pure and innocent. She loves for the sake... more>> of it, not for any gains. She loves without expectations. Of course, even so, she does get hurt. I can't count how many times I teared up for her, only wanting to hug this fictional character and tell her it's okay.

What I love the best is her cunning. She's smart and emotionally strong, which is a must for a girl chasing a man like the ML.

Ye Huaiyang is persistent on her love but she doesnt forget her family. She has a big heart, and cares genuinely for the Ye family. This is one of those RARE ancient china novels that have actual sisterly bond. I also love her relationship with her ever serious older brother Ye Huai Li and twin brother Ye Huai Xin.

The ML is really frustrating at the beginning. I wanted to drop the novel so many times because of him (I persisted because of the MC).

But when he does fall in love, he fell hard. I think he may have fallen early on but his suspicious heart made him unable to realize that.


I also want to mention the love story of the side characters LH and XY. Their story is more heartbreaking, it reminds me of the Korean drama "The Princess' man".

Overall, this novel was quite a rollercoaster ride. It made me cry, laugh, and root for the main couple till the end. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 21, 2020
Status: --
Hi Craze2read! Thank you so much for your hard work so far. I am very much enjoying the story. For once, it's the woman who is 'shameless' in the pursuit of love instead of being a passive receiver. I hope you would be able to continue the translation. Fighting!

I think I read up to about chapter 30. It was a while ago since I wrote the first review after reading about five chapters.

Now, I have to agree with 7Starkiller99. I dropped this novel.

I felt the characterisation became more disjointed, oscillating... more>> between extremes too much to be credible. Plot line went the same way and I quickly lost interest. I felt as if this novel at this stage is a rough draft and the characters need further refining and editing, the story line need to be fleshed out more. Sorry, it started well however it fizzled out for me. It's 2 stars for me. I couldn't even finish it. <<less
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Lyn Hitsugaya
Lyn Hitsugay
Oct 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I feel cheated. Soooo damn cheated.

Don´t get me wrong, the story is great, the ML and MC are so damn lovable and funny to read that it is an enjoyable journey and the plot tself has ethe right amount biterweetness that should be in any TRULY good romantic story.

BUT, eventhough I enjoyed inmensely the story, I spent the whole fricking time waiting for the last scene showed in the description.

Sorry to disappoint you. It is nowhere to be seen, believe me (been there done that).

... more>>

Though, to be fair, there IS a moment where something slightly similar happens (he is nowhere to be seen AND she just faked her death, thus no scene as in the description)


So, for those who are doubting or considering whether to read or not, go ahead read BUT take the last part of the description as a drop of water and, instead, read the translator´s comment. <<less
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May 30, 2021
Status: c88
It's on my favourite list now.

If you like To Be A Virtuous Wife, Eight Treasures Trousseau, The Beloved Imperial Consort and other novels similar to them.. Then this is for you.

I love the plot twists, the settings, character and relationship growth.. All those I very much appreciate that the details the author put into it, not too much but just nice enough for 120+ chapters.

FL and ML's relationship is also one of the things I love in this novel. They trust each other. They know each other. They are interdependent... more>> but at the same also independent of each other. I love that the ML let FL run wild with whatever schemes she has and also protect her at the same time.

FL is very bold, sly and intelligent. If it weren't for the circumstances of the ML, I can even bet she would propose for marriage to ML herself despite this is in ancient time haha. And even before ML realized his feelings, he already indulged her and let her do whatever she wants to him lol

I do need to warn that this isn't fluffy cotton candy sweet all the way through type of novel. Like some of the previous reviews said, it's a rollercoaster ride. There will be time you want to curse, hate, cry but there will also be scenes where you just want scream in excitement and just ship them all the way to HE island. You may even hate the ML in the beginning lol. But it's all about enjoying the ride and experience the up downs and the twists because this novel imo is worth it.

Edit: I do want to address one of the comments I noticed with a very low rating. It feels like the reviewer doesn't understand the novel at all and most probably even skipped large parts of the chapters. The ML is very capable, as much as the FL. He has his own force and can deal his problems on his own. He just decided to trust his wife because that's what she wants to do and that's what the novel focus on because our protagonist is the FL, not ML. There is only 100+ chapters, mind you.

Also, No. Vomiting does not equal to pregnancy, you can google or ask you mom. They were careful while they were having s*x. There was even an explanation given where the ML actually pulled out every time so they won't get pregnant lol. Turns out she wasn't pregnant after the vomiting incident and they both know it. She will be pregnant though but not because of this vomiting.

In the recent chapters, FL let him release inside her by clamping him down lol ML reprimanded her but she said she will drink contraceptives. But complicated stuff happens, she probably forgot and ML went away because idiot Emperor/enemy sent him far away to deal with some trouble. Now she keeps having symptoms such as heaviness, overly tired, headaches and always sleepy. (As of chap 88)


As I've warned before, this is a very mature novel for adults, so expect dramas, tragic pasts, betrayals, and wtf moments. If you expect a teens love story with innocent characters and cotton candy doses every chapter then this is not for you. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 03, 2022
Status: --
This may be an unpopular opinion and rant, so if you're too sensitive to accept criticism then I suggest you skip this review.

This FL has really turned me off for any "Protagonist Falls in Love First" tags for the foreseeable future. I can't get behind a story where I cannot find myself aligning with the FL in some form or another. It doesn't have to be the full being of who the FL is, just a sliver of a characteristic that I can relate to. And yet somehow I found the FL to be irritating and forceful.

The hypocrisy that a woman can be forceful and be extolled as strong and independent while a man if described the same is essentially persecuted is pretty appalling. Let's be honest, the FL sexually harassed and stalked the ML in the guise of "stolen kisses" and "love." Somehow we as readers are conditioned to see the FL's actions as cute and endearing, and yet if it were vice versa and a man did it to an unwilling woman its assault. The double standard does not sit right with me and neither does the motivations of why she started helping out the ML in shadows in the first place. Falling in love immediately after being saved at the tender age of ten and holding that torch for the man since? Girl, puh-lease. If that ain't the glaring sign of immature obsession then I don't know what is.

Also the FL and the villainess are literally two sides of the same coin and you can't convince me otherwise because who's to say that the FL would not have done the same things the villainess did had the villainess succeeded in getting the ML instead of her? Both FL and and villainess have the same obsession and corrupt moral compass. Same family background and same upbringing and you're telling me they're different? Yeah, okay.

Not to mention how dumb the FL is when it came to the villainess. Like she knew that the villainess was the one who betrayed them and yet still kept her alive until the very end?


I can only assume that the author must hate women to portray them to be so desperate and dumb. Seriously, how the FL survived for so long is literally the luck of the draw and because she has the "FL halo."

Don't even get me started with Lu Heng and Xie Yun. Why the author thinks it's okay to have the woman gain the man's love and affection after she's debased herself to the point of self endangerment is beyond me. The author is basically just guilt tripping the man to be with the woman even tho the man treated the woman like absolute tr*sh. And yet the woman, who experienced terrible tragedies like miscarriage, physical assault, mental distress and wrongful blame for the death of a loved one still hangs on to the man like he was not the reason she was in that miserable plight in the first place. In my opinion, Xie Yun should have let go of Lu Heng


the moment she found out the truth after getting scalded on her back when she protected the FL


. The FL is out of line to give advice to Xie Yun to keep chasing after Lu Heng and to use her getting hurt as a way to get him to care for her. The FL is the literal worst person to give advice on anyone else's personal life given how inappropriate and obsessive she was in her pursuit of the nonconsenting ML. Her meddling in their relationship is intrusive crosses a line considering XY had already made her decision. Again another example of the FL forcing her will on people who did not ask for it.

Personally, I don't think Lu Heng deserved a second chance. He didn't even bother to hear XY out or bother to find out the truth. Why should he be given a chance when he was so hell bent on condemning XY without knowing the full story? And to make Xie Yun still desperately cling on to that kind of man even after finding out the fault was not with her is utter BS. She's left to grieve on her own for a baby she lost because of the shock of thinking that she killed her fiancé's dad. Blamed herself, punished herself and let Lu Heng treat her like scum and yet the author made it so Lu Heng is given space to deal with the truth while Xie Yun pined away for him waiting for the day he "forgave" her for a crime she did not commit. Yeah what a stand up guy you wrote there author. He's a real Prince Charming.
The FL is shameless, relentless and desperate and those are not a virtues. Those are flaws which the author treated as if they were virtues. It sets such a bad example for women everywhere. If a man doesn't want you and shows you he doesn't want you then don't force it. Move on because in the end he was never for you. People out here blaming the ML for being an AHole and not caring about the FL despite her efforts for him, but y'all forget that he wasn't obligated to care for her. Her decisions were her decisions. In the end he never owed her anything, just as how he never asked her to do all those things she did. I get that in the latter half the ML gets all affectionate and doting towards the FL, but honestly after reading how the FL acted in the first half I ended up not really caring for their relationship anymore. It came off feeling fake and inorganic.
All in all, this story left much to be desired and a bad taste in the mouth. Despite the unpalatable characters, the world building and political intrigue was decent however not enough to forgive the kind of characters written for it. Plus side? There's a panda called Lan-Lan and the FL's siblings are actual sweethearts. Too bad the FL was willing to sacrifice them just to attain the ML's goal. Love is well and truly blind in this one.
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Jeez Louise
Jeez Louise
Nov 07, 2021
Status: Completed
Add this one to your reading list of Ancient China Historical Romance y'all! The ML *sigh* one really can't blame why FL was obsessed in-love with him for so many years! He's scarred outside and inside hence why he couldn't trust FL that easily and test her sincerity again and again. It's not because he is a cold blooded, hard to get bastard like what others say but rather because he's a wounded soul that only through FL's love and patience could his wounds be patched up slowly but surely.


Look, if it was easy to obtain ML's affections, then he would've already fallen for that white lotus bıtch cousin who covets him which we definitely don't want! So for me personally, the progress to how his feelings change for FL is just right. If I remember correctly, I think it took 50 chapters before he finally admitted to himself that he has fallen in love with FL and act upon it right away. Meaning, he instantly became a doting husband once he accepted FL as being his person aaand trust me when I say there are tons of dog food being thrown at our face to compensate us for the long wait kekeke!


Also, how much do I love the FL???? SHE'S A FXKNG QUEEN Y'ALL!!! Matriarch of her clan? Check. Knows what she wants and pursue it diligently and with no shame? Check. Badass? TRIPLE CHECK. Aaah I can't gush enough about her! Which is why I can't blame her brothers being both siscons lol! I can't help but laugh though that their parents has been MIA from start to finish, from FL's marriage to her disappearance lol but there's no impact whatsover from their absence so don't fret. I think in their place, author gave us the adorable panda named Lanlan (derived from ML's name) instead mwahahaha!

Anyway, please do yourself a favor and read this gem! Translator didn't use a bunch of pinyin words which will make this a much easier read.
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Sep 05, 2021
Status: c50
General Score: Character-wise, I'm rating this as 5/5, not because the MC is strong, but because she's always proactive and planning things. Not to mention that she knows exactly what she wants—the ML. Plot-wise, there's nothing really new or unusual in it, but it's competently executed with enough tension instead of it being boring, so it gets a 4/5 from me. That ends up with an average of 4.5/5, and I rounded it up to 5 in rating it simply because the average rating is closer to 4.

Characters: The male... more>> lead, Chu Jinglan, has experienced a lot of about turns and betrayals from his young life (including his fiancée just up and turning against him and marrying a different prince who became the current emperor, who also killed his parents). This is why is external behaviour and actions are cold and distant to most people except his most faithful retainers. Even as the MC chases him, he always tries to rebuff her, act cold, or push her away. It was just something he's used to, since anyone too close to him usually get ganked by the paranoid emperor.

Ye Huaiyang, our MC, is a bit of a unicorn compared to other female characters in historical c-novels; she is technically the head of her entire house and thus holds a sizeable power in her hands. To the outside world, it would seem like her brothers held the power of her house/clan, but they agreed with their parents' assessment of her abilities and backed her. This gives her a lot of freedom and leeway to not just pursue the ML, but also throw her resources and use her network to help his cause.

Character interaction: I think I've figured out why some people have difficulty enjoying this story, while I can read through it just fine. It's the ML's initial coldness in reception/reaction to Ye Huaiyang. Yet can you blame him for not being able to easily trust her, even as he eased up bit-by-bit from their initial distance? Some readers might not be used to reading betwen the lines, or being patient with the slow progress and feel disheartened by their early interaction. If others feel bad about the MC... heck, don't. She can read him far better than the average readers can read his reactions, and thus is always cheered up by the prospect of him unbending even by an inch.

So, yeah, if a slow thawing/defrosting ML isn't your cup of tea, it's fine. Skip this story. A story doesn't have to be bad simply because it doesn't meet some readers' tastes. He does become much warmer later.

TL;DR: Political intrigue and machinations in a historical Chinese setting with an unusual twist—the heroine pursues the hero. The female MC has power and decides to pursue the ML even if his status was an exiled prince/outcast prince at the beginning. He's paranoid about anyone trying to approach him and thus cold and distant, but she didn't let it to dissuade her (this attitude at the start might dissuade some readers, though, so be forewarned or avoid this work if it's not to taste).

He has his plans and she also has her schemes. Her end goal is clear—to put him on the throne.

Generally recommended for: If you get tired reading female characters always treating s*x like a chore or at least something they need to put effort into enjoying in c-novels. The MC's brashness in trying to seduce the ML is an entertaining change.

Downsides: If you're not used to reading court intrigue novels. I followed it just fine, but considering some of the confused comments I've seen, I realised then that this novel does not always explain how and why the MC or ML thought this way or act that way. It might be a bit thin on the explanations if you're not used to it. <<less
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sofea A.C
sofea A.C
Aug 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Tbh it's quite heavy for me but seriously bring your kleenex guys because you're going to cry. I admired the FL's love toward our MC. She love him and protect him but it's doesn't made the MC useless. I genuinely think the love FL have for MC is the biggest catalyst in this plot. Our MC also fall hard for our FL but it's really takes time that made me almost want to give up but our FL don't. Overall, I don't think I would reread this but I don't... more>> regret to read about their love. <<less
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Jun 21, 2020
Status: c7
Very promising. I love me some FL who knows what she wants and goes for it. Looking forward to reading more!

(I'll change the rating once I've read more.)
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Dec 01, 2021
Status: Completed
***4.5 Stars***

And you best believe I gave that bump to a 5 star because of the smut. Yessir indeed. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What can I say? I'm a simple woman.

If you're looking for a predominantly romantic historical Chinese novel with court politics sprinkled in and the revival of an underdog, you're at the right place to be. Sometimes I feel like it's hard to find a balance with romance and politics when it comes to these webnovels; one will have too much going on in court with no attention... more>> to the romance, or another will be just romantic and slice of life without any spice. The Noble Woman's Guide has a delicate balance between getting the ML back on the throne and getting him to fall in love with our rambunctious FL. One of my favorite aspects is that the main couple aren't OP, but they work well together to navigate the pits and traps that the vengeful antagonists set on them. Finally, bless this author for having an 18-year old FL (in the beginning, as the story follows her for a couple of years). No guilt needed at reading a borderline illegal relationship (like many Chinese webnovels out there... *cough*).


Superb translation at Foxaholic. Sometimes the sentences are long-winded but I have a feeling that's how the original writer wrote, so kudos to the translator for keeping that structure. The setting descriptions were also top-notch from both writer and translator. Overall, this translation had really great diction and variegated vocabulary to enhance the reading experience. Some readers might find the long-winded descriptions and sentences draining, but I thought it really added to the story background.


I actually came into this story with caution after reading about how the FL chases after the ML who doesn't reciprocate, but it wasn't as bad as I expected! The ML starts out cold and unfeeling, mainly because he has really bad trauma from being betrayed in the past, and he's basically like, "What does this girl want with me??" The FL, on the other hand, has been keeping tabs on the ML since her rise as the matriarch of the family, and she in turn is like, "I'm here for your heart and to support your fight to the throne!!" That basically gives us the set-up for their stories.

Ye Huai Yang, the FL, is cunning and resourceful. She has a loving family with two brothers that treasure her dearly, and I love how the novel describes her as pretty, but not a stand-out beauty like other flawless heroines in Chinese webnovel-land. She pours her cunningness into the dude that saved her as a child and person she fell in love with: Chu Jing Lan, the ML. YHY is a super fun FL to read about (and her panda too!! <3), as she plans pretty meticulously and is also able to counter against surprise attacks. CJL, on the other hand, is the kind of ML that grows on you. At first I side-eyed him because of his coldness towards the heroine who, as we know, is head over heels in love with him. BUT you start noticing the small stuff he does... like the way he knows her favorite foods are spicy, he lets her rest her head on his shoulder, and even princess-carries her around (which he does, a LOT). So even though he acts ruthless and cold, you do see those small gestures. After he sets up a trap to truly test her loyalty, he recognizes his feelings/how he messed up (~ch 50) and they're good as gold from there on out. CJL turns into a devoted husband while the couple becomes a united front to usurp the tyrannical emperor.
For example, there's this one scene where he finds a letter the FL read and got upset over, and he literally recreates the letter with her as a good memory, this time with them together.

On the topic of consent: some readers might see the FL's seduction attempts/flirting as dubious consent, but from my point of view if homeboy wanted the FL to stop he definitely could have stopped her. Like, mans has inner force and could kill the FL. He was lucid in every encounter. But nah, he was all *shook* and 'affronted' while letting the FL have her way with him.
However, I feel like every reader's mileage may vary so if an assertive and pushy/mischievous FL sounds unappealing to you, I don't think this is your novel.

Okay but let's talk about side couples! I love them all and they all get their happy endings. We have a bittersweet couple that had a childhood romance/betrothal but misunderstandings and 'betrayals' get in the way, as well as a sweet and goofy couple between a teacher and student. Everyone involved are allies of the protagonists so we get to see a little support from the FL for both romances, hehe.


On our antagonist side, we have a tyrannical emperor that stole the throne from CJL, his cronies, and the families associated with those cronies. Oh, also a delusional cousin that's obsessed with the ML. To be honest, the emperor wasn't very smart or good at leading, but his abusive behaviors and abuse of power were scary. The political intrigue was pretty easy to follow and the scheming was intricate but not in-depth, so you don't have to bend over backwards trying to understand why character A did what they did, and it was still detailed enough to keep you reading.

Do antagonists get the comeuppance they deserve? Absolutely. The politics in this novel is like a push and pull - sometimes the main couple have the upper hand, sometimes they don't. But even when they don't, they're able to scheme themselves into a favorable position. They're pro-active, but not perfect. Seeing YHY and CJL get back the throne and put the misbehaving antagonists in their places is satisfying from beginning to end. Most (if not all) of the plot lines are tied together in a bow at the end of the story and the writer never bites off more than they can chew. We get concrete resolutions for all the characters, good or not, and a fleshed-out ending that is prettyyy rare for Chinese stories. Usually when I get to the ending of a Cnovel (or Cdrama or manhua), the plot loosens up/starts unraveling and things get rushed and the ending is pushed out like a toy a child (or, the writer) is tired of playing with. The author of The Noble Woman's Guide though, takes their time with the characters and storyline, and readers are left with a conclusive and heartwarming ending. Bless!!

Concubine/harem cat fights are my pet peeve, and I'm happy to report that the main couple is 110% devoted to each other, so no need to worry about side hoes. CJL only got eyes for YHY. And homegirl literally has a line that's like, "I'll kill any girl that tries to get with you (romantically), if it's not me."


We stan a matriarch FL who helps her husband become the emperor of a nation. YHY and CJL's romance was super sweet (and sexy!), and this novel just felt so complete and wholesome. I'm really happy I gave this one a chance, since it pushed all the right buttons for me. With values of family, loyalty, righteousness, revenge, forgiveness, perseverance, and love, The Noble Woman's Guide On How to Tease One's Husband is an endearing read that hit close to my heart.

Trigger Warnings: mention of r*pe, physical abuse, death of pregnant women, mild violence

TL;DR Read this if you're into:

  • Spunky and naughty heroine going after the cold and unfeeling loner
  • Sexy scenes that really highlight the main couple's passion for each other
  • Interesting political intrigue that's simple but satisfying
  • Sweet side couples that you always want to root for
  • Tightly-woven plot with a drawn-out ending you can relish in, and...
  • Happily ever after!
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 17, 2021
Status: c1
I really love this move and I usually don't read this long into one.

I love the FL because of how she handles things and her antics to tease people.

And I love the ML too

... more>> One thing I don't like is the comments underneath the chapters of people calling the ML garbage and to regret.

It's like they want him to open his arms and hug her with SOOO much love when he doesn't know her! After a while of people trying to killed me, I wouldn't just trust random people too.

And let's not forget the part where she s*xual harassed and/or assaults him and no says anything? Like if it was a girl they would be wanted to best him up even if was a peak on the lips.

She choose to get involved, she choose to do all these schemes, she made her own decisions on everything she wanted to do, so why is he being called tr*sh.

But anyways I still like the fl, it's the double standards and blind-sidedness of the comment section. <<less
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Jul 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I cried buckets reading this. I usually avoid stories in which I saw "the FL chases, the ML rejects" and vice versa.. because it makes me feel uncomfortable and my heart just hurts..

Honestly, the FL seems a bit of an idiot in how she loves the ML (she keeps on getting hurt!). It was surprising that her cunningness and slyness do not taint her "pure and innocent" love.. she keeps on giving and giving even when she gets nothing in return (or should I say she got bitten and and... more>> shot?). I can totally relate with how her maid feels; it's frustrating and heart-wrenching (T-T)

But then, I just couldn't stop reading... it's torturous~

And whenever the ML reaped what he sowed and felt uncomfortable, pain, anguish or regret.. I felt so satisfied (got what he deserved!)... I felt like nothing he does can measure to how the FL loves him... but then, how do you measure love? Love is just something you feel and express-- and it's a choice, a freedom, a blessing~

anyway, the story is written beautifully... and seriously, I've never read a love story such as this~ it's extraordinary with unpredictable twists and turns towards a HE^^ <<less
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Dec 31, 2020
Status: c58

It's like a cross between Return of the Swallow, The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated consort and Eight Treasures Trousseau, but with only the best parts from each.

Both MCs come alive - their actions and thoughts are guided by their pasts and their abilities: no longer do we have a FL who forgets all of her cunning whenever she meets the ML or a sticky situation; no longer do we have a ML who trusts "no one" but falls in love with the FL at first sight. I commend... more>> the author for pulling off character tropes that I hate and making me still root for the characters - I could go on and on but I wont - you'll just have to read the story yourself.

I also want to say that I love the world the author has created. It's historical China, but with a more open-minded approach to women in positions of power. The women in this story can stand equal (or just about) to men and I think it was the *best* decision the author made. It takes the FL's actions and gives them a world in which they make sense. "Not like other girls" never quite works in historical novels... (Also, I say this is world building - it may be the case that in certain periods of Ancient Chinese history such things really were acceptable, but I don't know much about Chinese history so...) <<less
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Feb 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Love the characters: strong FL and touching/adorable/balanced relationship with the ML. I love seeing their strong and weak sides. The side characters also really flesh out the story; they're not there just to highlight the main characters. The FL's brothers are so cool/cute.

The romance between the FL and ML was also done well. I especially liked their reunion after that one separation that probably mentally scarred the ML for life - very memorable arc and really showed the depth of their love for each other.

I would have given it a... more>> 5/5, but I'm taking a star off because I felt several of the side characters deserved a bit more spotlight/expansion. <<less
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Jan 13, 2021
Status: c65
The story, the relationship, the characters, the interaction, the plot, the villain, the *ehem* snusnu part is a JUST 5 STAR. JUST BEST. READ IT.
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Jul 21, 2020
Status: c14
Mmmmm interesting

FL is the one who's chasing and liked the ML for a long time but he doesn't know

Ill update my review after waiting to read more chapters~
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