The Female Zerg Wants to Raise Cubs?


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【Dual male leads + Zerg Race + love at first sight + mutual pampering + sweet story】

“Lord Cheng Yuan, with the Insect God above, I will be forever loyal to you.”
“I will also be forever loyal to West. He will be my only female companion.”

“West, I want you.”
“My lord, I have always belonged to you.”

[Planting flowers in the heart, so the world won’t be barren.]

Main Couple (CP): On Surface he is unpredictable, but infact is gentle and loves to act spoiled, Dressed as Zerg male vs. On the surface a lofty mountain flower, but infact has a lovesick brain, long-haired beauty, female Zerg.

Secondary Couple (CP): Powerful and aloof military female gong who doesn’t understand love vs. Insecure and sensitive dark-skinned tough military female shou.

PS: Many private setups, gong taller than shou by a few centimeters (not emphasized, just a setting). This story progresses quickly, focusing mainly on sweet daily life, brainless sweet storyline that serves romance.

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