The Falling Beauty


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The eldest daughter of the Duke’s household scratched the face of the little princess, and it was well known that the little princess, Baozhu, was the apple of General Ling’an Che’s eye. He would not let this go easily.

Mo Jin’er was the least favored and most inconspicuous illegitimate daughter of the Duke’s household. Her biological mother was the lowest of singers. Like her sister, she also liked Ling’an Che but never dared to dream about it.

Until that day, she was pushed out by her family, accused of plotting to harm the little princess, and handed over to him for punishment.

It was then that she realized that the man she had always admired, who seemed as gentle and kind as an immortal, was actually a demon.

She endured endless torture and lived a life worse than death.

Later, when the young general was attacked, she was implicated and fell off a cliff with him. She injured her head and lost her memory, while the young general injured his leg and deceived her into believing that he was her husband, asking her to save him.

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06/28/24 Hui Translation c2
06/26/24 Hui Translation c1
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