The Eldest Daughter-in-Law [Reborn]


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In her previous life, Xie Yunchu followed all the traditional rules, obeyed the three obediences and four virtues, served her husband attentively, and diligently cared for her in-laws. One day, after organizing her mother-in-law’s birthday banquet, she caught a cold, and the accumulated fatigue turned into a severe illness. The doctor said she wouldn’t live for more than six months.

Her stepmother came to visit and conspired with her in-laws to bring in her stepsister, ostensibly to take care of her, but in reality, to prepare her as Wang Shuhuai’s next wife after Xie Yunchu’s death. Her in-laws eagerly facilitated this plan, and Wang Shuhuai stayed silent without objection. Even her children resented her strictness and preferred their gentle and kind aunt. Everyone was happy, except for Xie Yunchu, whose opinion was never considered.

Xie Yunchu vomited blood and died.

When she opened her eyes again, she had returned to the time when her husband first entered the officialdom. Facing her mother-in-law waiting to be served, her husband eagerly anticipating her to manage the household, her sister-in-law asking for matchmaking help, and her children not yet spoiled, Xie Yunchu sneered. Having been given a second chance at life, she decided to be a different kind of daughter-in-law.

Wang Shuhuai, the eldest son of a century-old aristocratic family, with a dignified demeanor and outstanding appearance, had married Xie Yunchu, who was impeccable in family background, looks, and character. He had engraved rules into his bones, even showing great restraint in intimacy.

Until one day, he discovered that his once reserved and proper wife no longer dressed conservatively. Her smile was as vibrant as the flowers of early spring, and she boldly said to someone, “It’s fine, I can divorce.”

Wang Shuhuai felt like he was sitting on pins and needles and began to ponder where he had gone wrong.

(Love After Marriage, Pursuing Wife in Hell Mode)

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06/28/24 Wordrain c2
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