The Command to Pamper the Husband


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“I want to be a man!”

With a roar to the sky, a bolt of lightning struck. Song Jin closed her eyes and, when she opened them, found herself transmigrated into the body of a wealthy young master disguised as a man.

She thought this was her ultimate script, but after closing and opening her eyes again…

She transmigrated once more and truly became a man!

Have you ever seen a heroine who could identify soil to find gold and judge mountains to find silver?

Have you ever seen a heroine who could control weapons with her mind?

Have you ever seen a heroine who could communicate with a dog’s soul?

Some heroine: “Roaring to the sky, that’s me!”

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New inadaze2 rated it
June 22, 2024
Status: c49
The plot line is hilarious and down right chaotic 😂

The characters are funny and have depth. The FL is realistic and kinda relatable in some moments plus she's a foodie so that counts. The ML is not the usual cold, indifferent type of ML. He has emotions and various reactions towards the whole situation with the FL.

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Though the only thing I would nick-pick is how fast certain elements in the plot are introduced like the body swap and how she is revealed to be a women


Overall a vary relaxed read caught up in less then 4 hours soooo would recommend <<less
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