Super Adorable


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Crybaby Gu Zeyu has twelve top-tier Alpha brothers above him. He grew up as the family’s darling. Whatever he wants, his brothers can fulfill. When he was little and wanted the moon, his brothers brought him a piece of meteorite from the moon.

Fearing he might be taken advantage of, they found him a tough-as-nails General Omega.

The crybaby says to the tough General Omega, “You’re becoming less and less adorable.”

The tough General Omega retorts, “How the hell am I not adorable?! I’m freaking adorable!!”

When the general gets pregnant and is in labor, sweating profusely from the pain, crybaby Gu Zeyu wails beside him. In the neighboring hospital room, someone remarks, “Wow, the wife cries so loudly.”

Later, crybaby Gu Zeyu overhears the tough General Omega saying, “I only married him because his brothers forced me to. How could I possibly like an Alpha like that?”

After crybaby Gu Zeyu leaves, the tough General Omega chases after him, only to discover that the Alpha has become… The Alpha has turned into a clever Alpha, and he no longer loves him.

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New ParanoidKitten rated it
June 28, 2024
Status: c36
Honestly, I don't really know what to say about this novel.

I have read Abo novel where the Omega is the dominant one (Just one to be exact, but if compared, those two novel can't be compared at all.) but something about this novel here is putting me off.

Our MC is the alpha Gu Zeyu. He's the youngest son of the Gu family, with a top researcher as a father who only appears towards the end and 12. I repeat! 12! older brothers who are all top experts in their respective... more>> jobs. (Daddy Gu seems to have been quite bored to sire so many children... 12. Really?)

From lawyer to businessman, doctor, author etc. And our MC? He was raised as a squeamish omega but turned into an alpha. One who is very frail, easily scared, mentally challenged (sry but I'm not lying, he appears to have the mind of a child around the age of 10 most of the time, while other times even younger) and most of all a crybaby. The amount of times where he doesn't cry can be easily counted. I guess the title "Super Adorable" was meant to describe him, but I can't quite warm up to him. Though, he's several times better than ML.

One day, for.... reasons, those 12 brothers of his decide that MC needs to get married and thus MC is married off to a very unwilling Omega. Or was the omega married in? I forgot. Anyway, marriage. A forced one. The 12 brothers forced ML to agree to the marriage, while MC was simply scared into agreeing by his brothers.

This Omega, Lu Yunian is a war god, famous for his battles, cold and ruthless. He is forced to marry our MC, so you can imagine how he treats this little husband of his. And up until the point where they finally officially get together as lovers, he won't change his treatment of the "worthless tr*sh" that is is husband.

The summary roughly describes what happens up until the couple gets together, though it's not that accurate, but if you read the novel, you'll know what I mean.


Our MC, first of all is NOT bloodrelated to the Gu family.

Reason being, he is the childform of the ancient god Kunpeng and this Kunpeng awakens a few times during the novel. Three times.... no four times in total. Since MC is an ancient god, naturally we also need an ancient villain. Taotie in this case. Just in case you're wondering.

ML who is domineering and arrogant in front of MC, turns into a helpless little omega in front of Kun. There's a non-con "wedding night" quite a while after the wedding which causes ML to be extremely upset (which is understandable) and ML gets pregnant. During pregnancy, they both get closer, but ML in essence still is extremely unhappy with the marriage, because he himself is simply too strong and MC is too weak.

After giving birth, the scene from the summary happens and MC asks Kun to take him and the child away. Later they need to catch ML because the child is a picky eater. So there's no "wife chasing".. erm, "husband chasing". Shortly after that, MC and ML make up and become lovers. Then the plot marches forward to the war between gods and after that? The end. What else? The novel only has 36 chapters in total xD


I haven't quite figured out if the people in this world are beastmen or not, there's a spider-omega and an elephant alpha? Are they permanently in their beastform? Who knows. It isn't mentioned, or I just skipped the information. There are winged people who seem to resemble angels.. and mermaids. In short, we have everything. All races + ABOE world.

Most of the novel happens in the military camp after marriage, where ML is not only harsh but outright cruel to MC. And MC? He befriends the omegas who live in the camp, tries to get closer to his wife, gets scolded, cries and still tries to get closer to his wife.

All in all, with just 36 chapters, the plot naturally has to be quite rushed. Personally I think, if there were more chapters that would allow the couple to naturally grow closer and fall in love, it would have been better.

But I really dislike not only ML, who as an omega treats the weak alpha MC like tr*sh and never even apologizes, but also the "loving" older brothers. They force MC into marriage, don't really educate him on what he needs to do during marriage (heat, rut etc) and leave him alone most of the time to fend for himself. If MC asks for help, he only gets a perfunctory answer and the matter is brushed off.

Lastly MC. I think I don't like him either, because his personality is just too childish. He has his smart moments, when he overhears his wife talking bad about himself and tries to improve, but as someone who never even learned anything proper, how is he supposed to do that?

In the end, I have to admit I did skip several paragraphs here and there, and was quite pleasantly surprised when I saw the "The End". I don't think I'll read this novel again, but there's a high chance that I'll edit this review at a later point when my mind is no longer being fried by this godawful weather out there. xD <<less
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