Spring Night


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As the sixth son of the Northern Song Dynasty, Pei Yanlin is aloof and self-righteous, and has guarded the border for many years. On the way back to Beijing, he saved a girl because she saved him with her body when he was drugged. Although he had many concerns, he could only take her back to Bianjing.

“The position of the main wife? With her status, she is definitely not worthy of it.”

Until the day of the prince’s succession ceremony, Pei Yanlin, who was in a high position, looked at the girl who used to be full of energy and tender by his side and knelt in front of the official, voluntarily resigned from the post of deputy envoy of the Ministry of Justice, and asked to leave Bianjing. The prince, who was cold and arrogant in the eyes of others, clenched his python robe and reddened his eyes in the dark.

He hated her lies, but he couldn’t give up his lingering love with her.

“She said she liked me countless times. Now I understand why she never asked me if I liked her.”

The next day, in a carriage leaving the city, a girl in pink, with a willow waist and cloud-like hair, and a rosy face, heard the sound of horses’ hooves rushing to the road. The handsome man with a golden crown and a python robe raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Wanxin with eyes that were unwilling to be forbearing.

“I was once the person closest to him, but I was also the person who was least qualified to love him in the world.”

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07/02/24 sakai yuji c3
07/02/24 sakai yuji c2
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