So You’re Not Human Either


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Yin Bei, the Fengdu Emperor, the Underworld Boss, and the Ambassador of Loneliness in the Three Realms, was announced by Yue Lao to be connected by the red thread of fate with Ao Jinyu, the little crown prince of the East Sea Dragon Palace—by the way of heaven.
The dragon was even still in its egg.

When the little golden dragon grew up, he thought that “the dragon generation in this new era should start with me rejecting arranged marriages,” so he packed up his bags and left home to travel around the human world on his own.
He ended up renting a two-bedroom apartment that belonged to Yin Bei.
Yin Bei looked at his new roommate, who had a backpack and a bright, innocent smile: …I guess I’ll just pretend to be human for now.

A few days later, Ao Jinyu, who was punching out bad spirits and kicking out evil ways, and Yin Bei, who nearly scared the wits out of malicious ghosts, met face to face on a narrow path.
Ao Jinyu: So you’re not human either! If you had said so earlier, I wouldn’t have had to pretend for so long!
Yin Bei: …Where on earth are you pretending?

Ao Jinyu: “Beibei——”
Yin Bei raised his eyes impatiently: “What is it now? Which family’s monster did you beat up again and need me to clean up?”
Ao Jinyu poured out a bag of fist-sized pearls onto his desk and leaned over eagerly: “Do you like them? It’s my family’s specialty.”
Yin Bei: “……”
Things seemed to be heading in an uncontrollable direction.

#Holding tightly onto my vest##It’s killing me that this dragon is greedy for my body##You ran away from marriage for nothing#

Ao Jinyu: “There’s a big age gap between me and him.”
Yin Bei: “You and I also have a very big age gap.”
Ao Jinyu: “Actually, I like older people! I was just being tsundere earlier!”

Ao Jinyu: “His reputation doesn’t seem very good.”
Yin Bei: “My reputation isn’t good either.”
Ao Jinyu: “I like cute and charming villains the most!”
Yin Bei: “…Heh, double standard dragon.”

The Simple-minded and the Unhappy

Associated Names
One entry per line
As It Turns Out You're Not Human Either
Turns Out You're Not Human Either
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Recommendation Lists
  1. KEIGHTY's Translations

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Date Group Release
06/29/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c1
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New edh rated it
July 1, 2024
Status: Completed
I love this story. It's light to read, funny from start to finish, with OP MC and ML.

The conflict is easy to solve. The villain is easy to defeat. This can be seen as good point or bad point depends on your preference. For me, I like it. It's satisfying.

... more>>

The romance also a point plus, bcs ML doesn't know that MC is his arranged marriage partner but still falling in love with him. MC also see him as exception and tolerating his antics. They will married later. Btw I laughed when I read about their marriage certificate. :D

It's funny everytime ML try to guess MC's identity and try to hide his identity as dragon. It's funnier bcs we as reader can read that MC know from the start who is ML.

The extra is about background of Ten Lord of Underworld, majority are funny, I think only Menghujun's (?) is sad.


ML's naivety isn't annoying but quite cute and endearing? He's naive but an upright dragon. Sometimes he was seen as foolish dragon but it also make you want to pamper him and say yes to him. Idk how to describe it. But I like him.

Ngl, I need more extra~ <<less
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