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“You probably don’t want to get involved. She is not only your grandfather’s lover, but she is also obsessed with your cousin.”

Han Do-geon is a member of a chaebol family and a successful businessman.

When he returns to Korea after learning of his grandfather’s serious illness.

The woman from two years ago reappears.

“Jeong Jae-yeon, do you think I’m funny?”

His first impression of her is the same now as it was then.
A shallow, unpleasant woman.

She probes him, measures him, tests him constantly.

“Aren’t you ashamed of your life, Jeong Jae-yeon?”

“I’m doing it for love, so what’s there to be ashamed of?”

He sees no reason to get involved, no value in getting involved.
Until he suspects she was hiding something.
Until he witnesses her private moments.

“Jeong Jae-yeon, what is your purpose in coming here?”

Suspicion became curiosity, and curiosity became intrigue.
And finally, desire.

“You should go. Han Do-geon isn’t in my plans.”

A ship sails to the other side of a long-abandoned island.
At one unexpected moment, it encounters a wave and is willing to be wrecked willingly.

*Same author of “My beloved Oppressor”

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