Senior Sister, Shut Up!


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“Release faster! Why aren’t today’s chapters out yet?”

“… Senior Sister, it’s only six in the morning.”

“Then what about yesterday? There was only one chapter!”

“… Romance slice-of-life stories rely heavily on the details. Inspiration is needed when writing.”

“Then, where does your inspiration come from? You’re clearly single.”

“… My imagination.”

“In that case, why don’t you date someone? You can get some material too.”

“… I need to write. I don’t have time.”

“How about I help you?”

“… Help me write?”

“Of course not! I mean dating!”

“… Senior Sister, stop joking.”


This is a slice-of-life university love story between a struggling web novel author and a beautiful illustrator, in which they mutually suffer social death.

Single female lead, no melodrama, no pain.

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07/01/24 GalaxyTL c3
07/01/24 GalaxyTL c2
07/01/24 GalaxyTL c1
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