Sencha Replica


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Cha Gweonwoo, an S-class esper who treats Kim Doweon, his dedicated guide, like an IV drip walking around the institute without ever exchanging a word with him. Their peaceful daily life is interrupted by Gweonwoo’s rampage and memory loss. Faced with a situation where they have to stabilize the lost memories and abilities due to the rampage’s aftermath within a month through guiding, Doweon is at a loss, and Gweonwoo is left with memories only up to his twenties. Where is the fate of these two headed?


“Were we really nothing to each other?”

Huh? Blinking my eyes, Cha Gweonwoo hummed, his voice low, and looked at me with a deeply troubled face, resting his chin.

“Then why are you so distant with me?”


“Did I annoy you by following you around?”


“If not that, then could it be… we dated and broke up?”

This is driving me crazy. Gweonwoo, what on earth are you talking about? I was at a loss for words at his attitude, 100% certain, no, 1000% certain that he liked me before losing his memory. Asking if he followed me around because he liked me! Asking if we dated and broke up! He’s seriously misunderstanding something right now. Our genre obviously wasn’t that from the start! No, don’t people usually not think the genre would be that way?! Why is his mind jumping there?!

Before he could go further down the wrong path, I hurried to correct the signpost.

“That’s not it, Mr. Cha Gweonwoo disliked me.”

Mr. Cha Gweonwoo, that’s not the right direction. Come this way. I even gestured, telling him it’s not that way and to come here, but Cha Gweonwoo asked as if wronged, like a soccer player who scored an own goal and is asking why it’s an own goal.

“Me? Why?”

…No, why are you asking me that?

Associated Names
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Senza Replica
센차 레플리카
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Latest Release

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