Seeing Chuntang


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Mingying knew from a young age that she was just a princess of low status, so she was cautious everywhere and never provoked others.

In the banquet where she recognized her ancestors, she was finally able to get rid of her princess status.

But she didn’t expect that because of drunkenness, she and her brother Fu Huaiyan had a ridiculous night.

Mingying opened her eyes suddenly and saw Fu Huaiyan slowly put his clothes in order, lowered his eyes and said to her: “Imperial sister.”

Later, the prince’s selection of concubines was put on the agenda. Fu Huaiyan probably wanted to avoid being seen, so he personally sent Mingying to a temple outside the capital in the name of praying for blessings.

Mingying knew that he was about to marry a noblewoman, and she was just a hidden danger.

So after weighing the pros and cons, she chose to flee privately.

Yuanling is far away from Shengjing.

Mingying lived there for several months in the name of being a widow, and finally she felt relieved.

Hearing that the new emperor had ascended the throne and was in power, and surrounded by beauties in the future, he must have forgotten the absurd past.

The county magistrate of Yuanling saw that she was powerless and widowed here, and wanted to give her to the governor to plan for her future.

When Mingying was packing up, the guards were already waiting outside the door.

In the county magistrate’s mansion, she looked up and saw the person sitting on the high seat, playing with the sandalwood beads in his hand casually.

He was beautiful and noble. It was not the governor of Wuzhou—but her former brother, the new emperor Fu Huaiyan.

Mingying retreated suddenly, but was blocked by him.

Fu Huaiyan leaned down and asked slowly: “Where else does the imperial sister want to escape to? Huh?”

He has been praised since he was young, and praised as a bright and clear-minded person, but he has never been innocent when it comes to this so-called emperial sister.

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07/02/24 sakai yuji c1
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