Saving The Six Realms By Starting A Romance


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Jiang Ran was unexpectedly drawn into the world of cultivation. The Heavenly Emperor, with a friendly demeanor, informed her that this world was at a critical juncture of life and death. The Abyss of Demons was about to erupt, and three thousand demon gods were on the verge of breaking free from their seals, threatening the Six Realms with imminent disaster.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao had issued a sacred decree, pinpointing the key to salvation. This was why the Heavenly Emperor had gathered the power of all the immortals and reluctantly activated the interdimensional teleportation array to summon her.

Although Jiang Ran found it somewhat absurd to rely on someone with zero cultivation skills to save the world, she gritted her teeth and nodded. “Understood. Should I first slay the demon gods or seal the Abyss of Demons? I’m familiar with saving the Six Realms!”

“Oh, that’s not necessary,” the Heavenly Emperor shook his head earnestly. “The savior indicated by the Heavenly Dao is not you.”

“Then who is it?”

“It’s your future son!”

Jiang Ran, a perpetually single woman: “What?!”

“So…” The Heavenly Emperor silently took out a list of 108 outstanding young men from the Six Realms, “Brave girl, for the sake of the Six Realms, go and fall in love!”

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