Reservoir Dogs


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Outwardly elegant but inwardly wicked, a lawyer who is a degenerate literati X Outwardly fierce and capable of fighting, inwardly pure and innocent parolee.

Early stages AO, later stages AA

Xiao Zhou always felt that he and Jiang Chengyuan were using each other.

Jiang Chengyuan was infatuated with his pheromones, using his body to break free from pheromone control.

Meanwhile, he wanted to obtain parole, needing an Alpha to be his guardian to deal with regular checks and reports.

All of this was taught to him by Jiang Chengyuan, who told him to be gentle and patient, and to atone for his mistakes.

So when he regained his Alpha status, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the bizarre relationship between him and Jiang Chengyuan should end.

But Jiang Chengyuan still waited for him downstairs, still liked to hug him from behind as before, rubbing his gland with the tip of his nose, gently biting with his teeth.

Clearly unable to mark anymore.

Xiao Zhou felt uncomfortable all over due to the clash of two types of Alpha pheromones, but Jiang Chengyuan said in a hoarse voice, ‘So this is your scent.'”

Due to body modification, changed from Alpha to Omega, will change back later.

Distorted values, melodramatic romance, slight mystery. Age gap of 12 years.

HE (Happy Ending), power couple, professional, ABO dynamics (Alpha/B

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