Raise Three Idols Well And They’ll Launch a Confession Attack


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In a relentless pursuit of success within the cutthroat world of entertainment, a former manager at Flower Entertainment finds himself regressing to a pivotal moment in his past. Armed with the knowledge and experience of his previous life, he sets out to dismantle the corrupt empire that betrayed him.

Along the way, he encounters Gyeoul, a young aspiring trainee with immense potential but plagued by misfortune. Their fates intertwine as they navigate the treacherous landscape of revenge, ambition, and redemption.

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잘 키운 아이돌 셋이면 고백 공격을 한다
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1 Review

New 2ro56
Jun 22, 2024
Status: c51
Man I love this story a lot. It's such a great blend of characters who want to change in their lives, yet usually are unable to. All 4 MCs (I only had a very brief encounter with autumn, the 4th protag in the story) are people who are framed with multiple problems in their life, and are refusing to help themselves come out from their situations, until a singular encounter with a person, who slowly shifts their perspective upon how f*cked up, and reliant they have been on others, and... more>> on their excuses to refute change. The story does have pretty interesting characters, but I feel like (atleast till the point I read till), the characters themselves haven't been truly challenged. I especially feel like a lotta work should have been done in the proper characterization of the MC, cuz he genuinely just feels like a blank slate, who will help people cuz he "wants to defy fate" or some bukaroo sh*t like that. It ain't fun at all.

3.45/5 <<less
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