Quick Transmigration Number One Player


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(Silly + No CP + Abusing Scum + Counterattack)

Bai Chen died playing a game and was dragged into a game space to keep playing.

Some big shot: I like her persistence, her wildness, her ugliness. I’ll take this ugly ghost.

Bai Chen: Sorry, I’m not interested in you. Please move aside.

Some big shot: … You there, drag this ugly ghost away and destroy her.

Bai Chen: … No! Let’s talk this out!

Some big shot: That’s more like it. I’ll give you a chance to become strong, so make sure you seize it!

Show the determination you had playing those games. Do your best.

Your ultimate goal is to seize the title of the top player. Don’t let me down!

From then on, Bai Chen started an unconventional gaming journey.

The heroine becomes self-reliant, determined, and rises to the peak, overlooking all beings!

Cannon fodder counterattack.

The author has completed the book (Quick Transmigration: The Ultimate Counterattack).

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