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Xu Chengyue: I am currently in great danger.

Gu Yunfeng: ???

Xu Chengyue: My safety is threatened; I can’t stay at home anymore.

Gu Yunfeng: Hmm?

Xu Chengyue: How about I pack my things and hide out at your place?

Gu Yunfeng: Eh? Someone wants to harm you, and you want to come to my place… isn’t that dragging someone else into it?

Xu Chengyue: …Aren’t you a police officer?

Gu Yunfeng: I’ll resign tomorrow.

In 2023.

Young professor Xu Chengyue suffered severe brain injuries from an accidental fall. After miraculously recovering, he joined a frontline criminal investigation team to gain experience and improve an AI detective system. However, through numerous operations, he gradually uncovered the truth behind his fall.

He devoted everything to this place, his youth, his ideals, his talents. But in the face of greed and desire, all these were just sharp knives and misfiring guns aimed at himself.

Everything was a pre-prepared cage. We have blurred memories and blurred personalities, we steal the stars and replace them with the moon, waiting for the sun to rise after the long night.

A criminal investigation story with two male protagonists: the gentle and steady team captain with OCD, and the seemingly aloof but actually adorable genius professor.

The timeline is set five years later, and it is the first attempt to combine criminal investigation with AI. The technological development differs slightly from reality.

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