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She became the supporting character ‘The First Empress’ in the webtoon . This is Empress Livia, who died young after being shunned by her emperor due to her timid personality and incompetence. Her problem is that I woke up at her funeral in Livia looking ‘just like’ her. Everyone praises me as the ‘resurrected empress.’ But only the emperor knows. That I am not the real Livia. “The crime of desecrating the empress’ coffin. She deserves the death penalty.” She wants to kill me. She offered him her deal. Just to live. “your majesty. I am a very useful person. “Please use me.” Let’s just hold on for one year. Although her husband is so so so so scared! The real heroine and ‘second empress’ will appear. Then I can leave the palace in peace. * After many twists and turns, the time was ripe. I told her husband. “As promised, please divorce me.” My husband stared at me. And he hugged me quietly and said, “no way.” “yes?” “Now what? “I can never let you go.” … Isn’t this it? Is it because the empress worked too hard? You want a divorce without obsession? No, I have to divorce?

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