My Nemesis Can’t Just Die Like This


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Teng Xiang slept in the sea for two hundred years, and forgot everything when she woke up.

She only remembered an old enemy in her mind, his name was Chen Suxue. Whenever she thought of him, she would be angry.

She wanted to find him, force him to tell her who she was, and then kill him.

It was raining that day when she finally found Chen Suxue. Someone pointed to a grave and told her that he had been dead for two hundred years.

“Gui Heng Daojun is the best in swordsmanship. He has been slaying demons and saving the world all his life. Every year on his death anniversary, countless people go up the mountain to pay tribute. Are you here to pay tribute to him too?”

Teng Xiang said angrily, “Who said I’m here to pay tribute to him? It’s a beautiful thought.”

How could her old enemy die like this?

She practiced forbidden techniques to reverse time and space. She wanted to go back two hundred years ago.

However, something went wrong with the technique, and she went back three hundred years ago.

Fortunately,she still found Chen Suxue.

On the day they really met, she looked at him, couldn’t control her emotions, and broke his neck with her bare hands.

It’s a pity that he didn’t die.

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07/02/24 sakai yuji c3
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