My Childhood Friend Seems to be the Main Heroine (WN)


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One summer day.

Saito Minazuki, who was six years old at the time, happened to find a beautiful girl named Machigane Riri in the mountains and saved her from falling into a waterfall.

Since then, the two became childhood friends and often played together, even though their homes were quite far apart.

They went to different elementary and junior high schools, but this year they entered the same high school.

One day, while they were going to school together, Riri was confessed to by a guy who was always surrounded by a group of cute girls who were always rumored at the school.

“Hey, I heard you’re the main heroine of that guy. ”

“Fufu, I know. ”

For some reason, the childhood friend who said that and smiled meaningfully is still with Saito today.

Huh, aren’t you guys going out?

This is a story of two people who should never have met each other in the original story and become childhood friends.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ore no Ssananajimi wa Main Heroine Rashii.
Related Series
My Childhood Friend Seems to be The Main Heroine (LN) (Light Novel)
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/30/23 Hiraeth Translations c32
04/28/23 Hiraeth Translations c31
04/26/23 Hiraeth Translations c30
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3 Reviews sorted by

GodlyGodMcGodGod rated it
April 20, 2023
Status: c15
The series is interesting so far, but there's a bit of a weird thing going on with... I guess the author decided they didn't like the direction they took the story or something? They ended up going back and writing a "revised" version starting from chapter 12 and as of the time of this review they've only pumped out 2 revised chapters, so in ch13 they start checking out clubs after school, and then in ch14 they're suddenly in the middle of some sort of scavenger hunt at some study... more>> camp thing? I'm writing this review to let potential readers know that there's a situation where anything you read past the revised versions of chapters is probably going to be non-canon, or possibly an event that the author is moving back to later in the time-line. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 10, 2024
Status: --
This feels like part ntr part sweet romance. Skimmed through the novel so the girl time leaped to the past and she has bad experience with her ex boyfriend. I hate the fact that the main protagonist feels like a rebound from her ex. I really hate this novel.
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isekai connoisseur
isekai connoisseur rated it
April 30, 2023
Status: --
A story that has a good concept but is overshadowed by horrible writing. Examples are the pacing being sh*t with it either going ultra sonic or a fat man running, which can only be described as slow also writing unnecessary scenes like spending 3 paragraphs on a shower scene.

If you want to read a story where the author writes EVERYTHING in detail then this is for you. However if you don't want to waste your time and read something that spends bascially a chapter on the MC catching a fish.... more>> (This is the first chapter) <<less
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