Missing Wife


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“It’s easy, isn’t it? To dare to bear someone else’s b*stard child.”

She ran away to protect the child in her womb, but eventually he caught up with her.

“You thought you could escape so easily by having someone else’s child?”


It was a contract marriage for two years.
During this time, Ah-yeon was nothing more than an invisible person to him.

“Ah-yeon, you belong to me until you die.”
“Neither you nor your child can escape me.”

His piercing gaze fell on her belly. Ah-yeon instinctively covered it with trembling hands.
“Next time, bear my child.”
“Then you can atone by staying by my side. It’s better for loose women like you.”
“I’m already carrying someone else’s child, but why are you still doing this…”

Ki Joo’s mocking laughter echoed. His cold eyes looked even more menacing.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make it so confusing that even you won’t know whose child it is.

Associated Names
One entry per line
아내 실종
Related Series
Arranged Marriage (1)
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  1. Salmon Latte Translated Novels (Part 2)
  2. Failed to Escape

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Date Group Release
06/28/24 Salmon Latte Translations c9
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06/17/24 Salmon Latte Translations c1
06/17/24 Salmon Latte Translations prologue
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