Mirror Puzzle


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On a rainy autumn night, Yi Shi first encountered Lin Heyu while capturing a criminal. The inverted text and distorted time revealed that he came from a parallel world.

As they get closer, lost memories gradually resurfaced. What seemed out of reach turned out to have always been by his side.

In simultaneous explosions and kidnapping cases, the same suspects link the two mirror worlds together. They are separated, each at the end of the chain of cases, drawing closer as the investigation progresses. Every effort to change the outcome inadvertently becomes a coincidence, ultimately turning into an established fact.

Can they bear the truth after overcoming numerous obstacles?

Fate is unpredictable; I always walk through everything you have experienced.

PS: Please read the author’s notes for better understanding.

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One entry per line
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Date Group Release
07/02/24 98Novels c5
07/01/24 98Novels c4
07/01/24 98Novels c3
07/01/24 98Novels c2
07/01/24 98Novels c1
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