Master of 100 stories


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Transmigration into a fantasy version of the warring era in Japan, endless battles, countless monsters.

I originally thought I would also enter the realms of fantasy, but it turns out I had no talent in anything, Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Onmyoji, I couldn’t become any of them.

With such opportunities from transmigration, what difference would I have with a salted fish if I didn’t strive for anything?

Even if I was to become a Yokai, or even a girl Yokai, I would never give up! I shall aim to be the demon emperor!

He who dares to capture me, the bastard who made me his summon, I’m going to…

ZhengZong:What did you say you were going to do to me lanty?
DengYing: Wah! I didn’t say anything master!

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Date Group Release
06/28/24 100Stories v1c10
06/26/24 100Stories v1c9
06/26/24 100Stories v1c8
06/26/24 100Stories v1c7
06/25/24 100Stories v1c6
06/24/24 100Stories v1c5
06/24/24 100Stories v1c4
06/24/24 100Stories v1c3
06/23/24 100Stories v1c2
06/23/24 100Stories v1c1
06/23/24 100Stories prologue
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