Marry the Younger Uncle of the Former Prince Consort


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When Jiashan opened her eyes, she found herself back at the age of fifteen, in her prime.

That year, she was still the most proud eldest legitimate princess of Daliang. Her brother had not yet been forced to take his own life, and she had not yet been pierced through the heart by her consort, Zhan Shaoying.

At fifteen, Jiashan was radiant like spring flowers, bright as the autumn moon, and had countless admirers.

One day, the emperor called Jiashan to him and asked kindly, “Among all the talents in the court, is there truly no one who has captured your heart?”

Jiashan calmly replied, “No.”

That day, it happened to be the night duty of Zhan Shaoying’s uncle, Zhan Daren, who was the Commander of the Jinwu Guard.

Hearing Jiashan’s answer, Zhan Daren said nothing. But under the cover of night, the cool and noble Zhan Daren cornered Jiashan in the main hall.

He stared at her, eyes burning, “Why did you say no?”

Reborn Vengeful Princess vs. Cool and Noble Younger Uncle.

No need for historical accuracy, if you like it, please bookmark, thanks.

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