Living in this World with Cut & Paste


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A world where God will grant abilities called Skills to those who come of age. The protagonist, bestowed with two skills, uses them and rises to an existence called a hero.

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Cut & Paste de Kono Sekai wo Ikiteiku
Related Series
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48 Reviews sorted by

Cryarc rated it
March 25, 2017
Status: c184
The author recently had passed away due to an illness, for him I'd like to express gratitude that even though a lot of people didn't like your works you've been working so hard and keep being positive until the very end. Your last few tweets when you apologized for the lack of updates due to your illness and your plan to resume the work in a few month later but you suddenly passed away made me realize how fragile and unexpected our life is... I hope you passed away in... more>> peace surrounded by your family.

A completely light read, the chapters are short and the plots are simple. The MC is young and naive but luckily he's not dense and rather straightforward due to his naivety, so the romance is proceeding in fast pace it feels refreshing compared to the usual incompetent/dense MCs.

Unfortunately the plots are very easy to predict and the characters are shallow so jaded readers will probably find it not satisfying. But since it's delivered daily and written in less than 5 minutes reading time for each chapters it's just fitting to pass time while taking a break. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
August 8, 2017
Status: c94
I don't think this deserves 4 or even 5 stars. Now hear me out first.

  • All the tension of his, secret skill that had been built up over a long time, to only be exposed in the s*upidest way.
  • The writing is also very bad. Be honest.
  • The Author is just milking it along the way and doesn't feel properly planned out
  • Romance: Its just nonsensical.. She's 25-29 and he's just turned 15.. Despite the Princess having potential it just feels wasted. (She even feels the oddity of the relationship)
I can't help... more>> but feel angered because its not worthy of the beautiful illustrations and cover... What about you? I did not lie about anything...

  • I really like the MC kindness and how his environment didn't corrupt him. He's very smart and cautious. But not intelligent.
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Tarlos rated it
July 21, 2017
Status: c34
This is the kind of novel you read, and then forget about on the same day. There's nothing memorable about it.

Personally I couldn't enjoy this novel at all. The MC is just way too naive and malleable. I get that some stories are all about the growth and coming of age of the protagonist, but the MC here is like a piece of soft dough that gets kneaded by everyone. He doesn't seem to have his own thoughts, just going along with whatever someone else says. It's like he's an... more>> AI programmed to always respond "yes" to people. <<less
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tides rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: c101
i really like this.

despite how the MC is a complete moron and every cell in his body is a complete coward, it's fun to read. remember, the MC is like 12? years old. his entire life he did nothing but eat rabbits. his power obviously does not include an increase in his IQ or his intelligence but it definitely shrunk his balls.

mmm the though process of a beta... and how he tries his best to achieve his 'normal' 'boring' life.
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udin-san rated it
January 30, 2017
Status: c9
It's still too early to give a solid review, so consider this sort of first impression.

tl;dr, it's boring.

It's not entirely bad, it's just boring because the idea isn't unique so there's nothing new to catch readers' interest.

here we have a (not so tragic) boy with both parents already dead, in his coming of age ceremony, granted by god 2 skills that (as stated in the tag) can steal others' skill --one of those is the cliched appraisal skill. Then he defeated bandits and monsters and steal their skills. Later, he decided to become the cliched adventurer.

And that's it, 9 chapter. You won't miss much. You won't even get to know the world's setting where the MC live aside from the kingdom's name.

Same old, same old. Nothing new.


But if the idea is fresh to you, do try to read the series while waiting other better series to update.
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barashkafromro rated it
September 11, 2017
Status: c91
The protagonist is aggravatingly s*upid, he never even thinks about pasting regeneration skill to his wives. And only pasted regeneration to his pet after it almost died. What ret*rd would keep lifesaving passive skill constantly turned off and only turn it back on when it is almost too late already. It isn't like you will always be safe enough to have time to turn it on. During battle with orcs and Orc King he already experienced terrible consequences of not having lifesaving skill and he still doesn't use it after... more>> that. <<less
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2Girls1Cupcake rated it
March 21, 2018
Status: c90
TL;DR: Boring.

The writing is extremely monotonous, it's dull and uninspiring, other than the premise it feels like the whole novel was made using cut & paste, in other words copypasted, not because it's too similar to other novels, but because I can't feel the author in it, there's no personality at all, it's shallow and it feels like the author played it safe.

I came into this feeling sceptical, found myself being slighty interested, but unfortunately I left disappointed.
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montblanc512 rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c100
Generic. About as generic as generic gets. If there were a Japanese fantasy LN checklist, this would hit pretty much every box except food p*rn. You have your OP protagonist that somehow still comes off as a weak willed nobody, who gets vast wealth thrown at him almost immediately (the author clearly having no sense of economy as it's revealed early on that a few copper a day is his salary, but for some reason random townspeople like the alchemist and the butcher can afford to buy his materials for... more>> more than a commoner in this universe could earn in their entire lives and this isn't questioned), two women throwing themselves at the protagonist (one on a hunch and the other clearly for power/political motivations that they both instantly forget/abandon as they are then completely devoted to the protagonist without any actual character development), the protagonist using his cheat skill to have magic storage (why does every protagonist in every fantasy or isekai have this ability?), an adorable but powerful animal companion (you know, a chibi divine beast, because your OP protanist isn't complete without some kind of god-tier pet).

But a perfectly generic series would still be an even 3 stars in my book if done competently, but this author can't decide what he wants the protagonist to be. He can fight the strongest beings on the planet but when the plot dictates it, he's a weak and naive young man who can be bested in a spar. And then we have nonsense like other characters telling him he has to learn to fight without relying on his cheats... why? They make it seem like he might not be able to rely on those abilities, despite in this universe abilities being seen as a gift from god and nobody in existence being aware or thinking that those abilities can be sealed or taken or anything. It make's no sense, it's like training a painter by telling them they have to learn to paint blind-folded. There is no circumstance in this universe in which that training would be useful.

I wanted to like this series, but it's infuriatingly inconsistent while also not really trying to do anything interesting. It gets a 2 instead of 1-star rating solely because the translation is competently done compared to a lot of LNs out there. <<less
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z4raki rated it
May 16, 2017
Status: c40
Well, this novel is so straight forward that it was surprisingly good. Our MC have ability that's not a cheat at a glance but turned to be a cheat as story goes. The plot is straight, too straight that may be I'll eventually bored of it. But for "daily life" genre like this, it was good.

*ps: the romance part of this novel is pretty straight forward. But that makes this novel refreshing. The MC is not dense, but I think he just overwhelmed and naive.
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MagicPill rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c43
MC got very strong very quickly, his unique ability is very OP combined with extreme luck. I really can't believe he got something like an exp booster, something frivolous in the grand scheme of things that it's completely unnecessary other than speeding things along. Even with all this he is doomed with a life of a kind and polite pushover since most JP LN MCs are like that, he really got ... more>>

forcefully married even though he just came of age, got to level 60-something from clearing a whole orc settlement while the moderately powerful princess knight is only 24 or something and still feel threatened by her

. All the MC needs to do to win against anyone is just look at them and their skills are gone, opponent then falls into extreme confusion and sudden disadvantage. This trick also works against a group. Honestly he can have every escape ability ever and no one would be able to kill him. <<less
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ZoorYuvonHeim rated it
September 17, 2017
Status: c101
As of Sept 9, 2017 the TL Izzy from Junk Burst Translations has unfortunately quit, so the progression of the story past c101 won't continue until someone else picks it up.

I am saddened by this because I actually enjoyed this story.

Update; an aspiring TL was kind enough to pick it up for the time, its not perfect, but its good enough to read at least.

... more>> At times there was some cliché and otherwise predictable extreme plot-driven moments, but it remained an enjoyable read nonetheless.

There was considerable clutter behind it which to me detracted from it, but the characters' growth and eventual push in its potential within the story showed significant promise. However, until the translation catches up from someone else it'll remain a mystery for me right now.

I would gladly recommend this as it is, as it was a fun read. <<less
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LeeEzekiel rated it
July 5, 2017
Status: --
Well... it's very amateurish and generic. I suppose you could call it a novel good for passing the time with. Decent up until the first major "boss" fight, but at that point his power just spikes up to a ridiculous level. It completely kills any form of escalation this novel can have.

1. Writing style - The typical JP fantasy style targeted towards middle schoolers. Think "Don't give up!", "I'll do my best!", "there's no way I can let that happen to heeer!" In short, very melodramatic shouting of cliche lines.... more>> It depends on your tastes whether you'll find it cringeworthy or entertaining.

2. MC - It's like the author can't decide whether to make him a badass or a wimp. He's mentally a carbon copy of every timid beta teenager from other JP novels, yet he fights with extreme ruthlessness. Weird gap that the author never really bothers to justify.

3. Enjoyment - Action scenes are mediocre. No real humor to speak of. Him stealing skills is fun at first, but quickly becomes repetitive.

4. Heroines - What do you expect?

Overall, it doesn't bring anything new to the table, so just read it if you're a huge fan of the genre and can't get enough. I'd recommend something like Hello Work or Growth Cheat over this; at least those two have somewhat richer worlds and storylines.

EDIT: As a response to Seaofmisery's review, I'd like to point out that "pasting" stuff probably doesn't make them automatically snap together. They need to already be in contact. And "cut" cannot be used on living things. Good grief. <<less
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Artemis1990 rated it
February 10, 2017
Status: c18
Easiest way to explain the entire premise of the novel is an isekai novel WITHOUT the isekai part. To make a long story short, in a world where EVERYONE gains skills from God when they turn of age (15 years old), the skills are basically separated between "General skills" and "Combat skills" and completely randomized like a gacha system in games. The MC gain two "general" skills but when he combined the two, he end up discovering a cheat level possibility with them.

Fortunately, the MC has a pure and good... more>> conscience which prevents him from going the dark path despite that had he chose to, noone would be able to stop him. One way or another, his use of skills gain him attention from others (mostly female so far... but its not a surprise considering the premise).

The pace of the story is rather fast considering the length of the chapters but not overly so that makes it hard to follow and understand. There are also occasional change of POV telling the story from other character's view which gives explanation on things that the MC doesn't explain which is also a nice touch.

All in all, this novels shares a lot of common point with Danmachi. If you like Danmachi, I suggest at least giving this a try. <<less
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fuidama rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c288
It was a great read up until the author had an aneurysm. Writing quality disappeared and the story became completely incoherent. You could tell the author was determined though, they (very) slowly improved with each chapter, which makes it very sad that they passed away before they could finish it.

If you're ok with reading an incomplete novel, I recommend reading up until the end of the demon king arc. Then let your imagination fill in all the gaps. (Yes, there's quite a few)

If you want to read until the... more>> end, it ends in a weird spot in the middle of a new arc. It could serve as good material for you to create your own story if you have the imagination.

Props to the translator for doing a great job and sticking with it through the end. <<less
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Alztec24 rated it
May 14, 2019
Status: --
I wish the best for the family of the author. I hope they are doing well. I wish all authors, illustrators, or creators who are ill to any extent would be able to recover but this does not always happen.
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Pisteuo rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: c196
Not sure why people are rating this so low but, honestly this is a really great novel. To put it short if you’re looking for a novel that has a genuine nice protagonist that uses his abilities selflessly to protect those he cares about, has a solid Harem with good heroines that appreciate him with ACTUAL progress in those relationships unlike a lot of novels and has a solid story line then this is for you. Read the first couple chapters and I can say you’ll be interested pretty quick.... more>> Personally I’ve already re read this several times. <<less
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SyCogens rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: c153
Totally boring. The story was good at start then it just goes downhill, almost everychapter is about them talking and doing daily lives without using their skills that is supposed to be OP as hell for the MC.

MC wasting his time doing nothing instead of collecting skills from monsters, it is always being delayed with s*upid talks.
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Sherrynity rated it
July 6, 2017
Status: c73
tbh, at first my thought was "oh great another shitty cheat story blabla" then I read the reviews, become a bit interested until finally I decided to read it...

... which I don't regret at all.

The MC is kind and honest to the core; even though the story seems flat, but it's a freaking Slice of Life so it's tolerable. I like seeing how he, casually, follows what his heart wants to do and willing to bear the consequences. Even though he seems sooo airheaded sometimes, but he knows how... more>> to judge the situation and choose how to approach it.

Legit 4/5 until ch11

(might edit my review later though...)




If I couldn't give an answer myself, then I'm definitely not a man.

「..... I understand, let's..... get married. Please take care of me」


Man, I just love this kind of humble yet decisive MC...



Finished reading until the latest translated chapter. Man, that was quite an enjoyable binge reading experience.

Upgraded into 5/5 <<less
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GregLuck rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: c100
If you like a story that have no clear purpose / base, while the MC is totally happy-go-lucky pushover brat, then this is for you.

It feels like some middle or high schooler writing about OP MC with dull plot and no clear purpose.
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Mahiro9 rated it
July 15, 2017
Status: c85
This novel has every cliché templates you'll see in other similar novels while changing some bits to be a bit unique.

It can be considered a good read but it also doesn't have anything special.

I've seen a lot of novels like this that has a lot of potential but chose the path of mediocrity, it's not necessarily bad but it's kind of a shame.

There times when I facepalm because of the direction the author is going for (in terms of common sense the MC lacks, someone said he's not s*upid but... more>> I seem to doubt that at times), though it also have its highs where it is very entertaining.


In the later chapters the author spent more than 5 chapters just about taking a bath in the MC's house. He even used a one month time skip in between and still continued his obsession about the bath.

No fighting, no story progression, and no skill acquisitions in a lot of chapters because he focused on useless things.

It is alright because it's a slice of life but like I said, taking the path of mediocrity when the novel has a lot of potential.


Overall it's a pretty decent amateurish novel to pass time with. <<less
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