Level 0 Reincarnation: The Little Boy Who Didn’t Get Any Cheats Still Tries His Best


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On his fourth birthday, Rudine, a boy living in a small village, regained memories of his past life. However, only his memories returned, with no fusion or even any influence on his personality occurring whatsoever.

Despite thinking he might have cheat abilities from his biased knowledge of his past life, he found nothing. To make matters worse, his level was 0, and his stats were no better than any other ordinary child. This is the story of Rudine, a slightly tearful boy who lives with his kind parents and close siblings, and eventually meets many different people.

There are monsters and demons in this world. In distant countries, humans even wage wars against each other. But even in such a world, Rudine doesn’t become invincible or have great battles with demons. Nor will there ever be any depressing developments.

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Tensei shitakedo 0 reberu ~ chīto ga moraenakatta chibi-kko wa, soredemo ganbarimasu ~
転生したけど0レベル ~チートがもらえなかったちびっ子は、それでも頑張ります~
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