Jujutsu World Establishment After Defeating the Boss


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Sukuna is an ideal master recognized by thousands of demon cultivators.
She teaches many great masters, but she doesn’t expect that when she opens her eyes again, she will enter a whole new world.
She becomes a finger that can’t speak or move?

After being eaten by a pink-haired boy by chance, Sukuna smashes the monster in front of her with one punch.

“King of Curses?” The girl with long pink hair stands on the railing and looks at the endless lights in the distance. She opens her hands and smiles with blood on her lips. “Are you s*upid? How could I be that kind of low-class stuff!”

The whole technical college just thinks she is talking nonsense and treats her as a so-called special grade cursed spirit to guard against day and night. Sukuna didn’t want to argue.
She is free by nature and just wanted to quickly re-refine a body again, leave here, enjoy modern food and TV dramas, and be free and easy.

But later,
the strongest sorcerer who always spars with her put his arms around her neck and shares his favorite edamame cream kikufuku: “Hey, let’s beat up the old orange together!”
The Fushiguro Megumi, who has been letting the dogs go when he sees her, quietly joins the “Sukuna-sensei is the best in the world” group chat and successfully became the group leader with his cooking skills.
The pink-haired boy with a hearty smile opens kira-kira’s dog eyes and acts coquettishly: “Sensei~ why don’t we stay away from Gojo-sensei?”

Holding the golden “Best Teacher of the Year” award in her hand,
Sukuna, who thinks she has only pinches a few “vulnerable” old oranges and kills a few “weak and incompetent” little cursed spirits, falls into deep thought.

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Happily Established the Jujutsu World After Kicking the Boss Away
Steals Gojo Satoru's Job After Becoming Sukuna
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