Iris Love Letter


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I’ve loved him in secret for eight years.

I know he doesn’t like men, so I never told him how I feel.

Until one day, I discovered I was dying.

Associated Names
One entry per line
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. The best once I ever read . 2
  3. Completely translated novels 7 (higher ratings)
  4. Heart Wrenching Novels
  5. Short Stories (Happy, Sad)

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New D_D_M rated it
June 24, 2024
Status: Completed
I don't know how to express the emotion I am feeling right 😞.

I usually don't read novel where the MC dies, so I was like lets just read this novel as if someone was pulling a string in my heart. But this really broke my heart, till I read the extra chapter I was feeling suffocated then I thought it's ok it fictional story but the 9th chapter really broke my heart forever.

This novel has taken a permanent place in my soul. 🙁
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