In the Doghouse


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The Devon family sits on a mountain of debt and they are on the brink of bankruptcy.

This is no fault of hers of course, but Courtney Devon has always been the one painted as the villain in her family.

However, the family is in dire straits, and they have to do something, anything, to raise some money and get out of this situation.

But then one day, news arrives from the Imperial Palace that His Royal Highness the crown prince has decided to make Courtney the crown princess.
Seemingly a typical prince on the outside, His Royal Highness is actually quite a troublemaker with a dark side.

Will this arrangement end up solving Courtney Devon’s problems or just complicating things further?

Will a love against all odds bloom or will someone end up in the doghouse…?

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A Dog Lives in the Imperial Palace Garden
황궁의 정원에는 개가 산다
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