I’m the Mastermind Behind the School, but Can I Save the World With the Perfect Crime?


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I, Kaito Tsumiki, can see the future — which is why I made a certain decision to save a world headed for a disastrous future.
That decision was to become the mastermind behind a perfect crime organization within Eisai Academy, a training institution for the ultimate heroes, the Capturers.

Recruiting exceptionally talented and reliable, albeit eccentric, companions — an invincible phantom thief princess, a sheltered daughter from an assassin family, a genius con artist who deceived the nation, and a gal mad scientist — to establish “perfect crimes” and alter the future.

Uncovering the true mastermind who will bring ruin to the world, outmaneuvering the dark secret society lurking within the academy, and emerging victorious in the battles.

All to save the future, and most importantly, to save her — now, let me show you the schemes of the mastermind.

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Kuromaku gēmu gakuen no kuromakudesuga kanzen hanzai de sekai o sukutte mo īdesu ka?
黒幕ゲーム 学園の黒幕ですが完全犯罪で世界を救ってもいいですか?
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