I’m the 99th Supporting Actress, but He’s Obsessed with Me


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Eun-yul, who had read a wide range of novels including regression and possession, was dumbfounded by the unbelievable reality.

Why was she not the female protagonist, the female protagonist’s friend, or the villain, but a lowly supporting duke’s maid! Why was she an extra who would only be mentioned 99 times?

After possessing Lian, the maid of the Duke Arden’s family in the novel she enjoyed reading, she struggled to avoid being kicked out of the duke’s family as an extra.

However, the Duke of Lepierre Arden, whom Lian served, had one secret: he couldn’t stand there.

At some point, the duke began to react to Lian…?!

“Didn’t you say you worked hard for me? You won’t change that attitude in the future, right?”

There was a clear red mark on Lian’s collarbone. The duke spoke softly, stroking the area with his finger.

“Isn’t it strange…? I don’t mind you touching me, and sometimes I want to touch you. Just like now.”

Lian hurriedly covered her eyes, but she had to see it. His thing, which was proudly rising into the sky, looked bigger and harder than anything else.

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99번째 조연이지만 집착당하고 있습니다
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