I’d Mastered Too Much of the Basic Skill, and Before I Knew it, I was The Strongest in the Labyrinthine City


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The swordsman known as the strongest in the Labyrinth City, “Extreme Sword”
No one knows his true identity… (not even he does).

* * *

To fight monsters, people are given powers called Jobs by the gods.
Jobs have growth limits determined by one’s talent, and this “talent limit” varies from person to person.
In the job system, jobs upgrade from basic, intermediate, advanced, to unique jobs, but most reach their “talent limit” at the intermediate level.
However, I reached my “talent limit” at the basic level, which led to my expulsion from the adventurer party I was part of.
Forced to explore the labyrinth alone for money, I relied on the only skill I had mastered, the sword technique [Slash], and kept fighting… for twelve years.
Before I knew it, I was being called the “strongest in the Labyrinth City.”
Huh? “Extreme Sword”? Who’s that supposed to be?

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Goku ken no surasshu ~ shokyū sukiru kiwametara, itsunomanika meikyū toshi saikyō ni natteta ndaga ~
極剣のスラッシュ 初級スキル極めたら、いつの間にか迷宮都市最強になってたんだが
極剣のスラッシュ ~初級スキル極めたら、いつの間にか迷宮都市最強になってたんだが~
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