I Was Treated as a Hero All Over the Country After I Saved a Beautiful Girl on a Subway and Left Without Giving My Name


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But that hero…it’s me?!

Prioritising peace, I decided to keep my true identity a secret.

After almost being assaulted on the subway, a certain young girl became extremely famous as “The most beautiful girl in the past thousand years” after being interviewed because she was absurdly cute.

“It is all thanks to him that I was saved”, and the hero she’s searching for… isn’t that me?!

That’s when I decided. I would never step forward to reveal myself in order to lead a peaceful school life.

But when I entered high school, I met the beautiful Hinami again?!

Even though she shouldn’t remember my face, she was feeling oddly familiar, “I think I’ve seen your back somewhere…”

“Is is alright to fall in love if I haven’t thanked the person who saved my life?”

Even if you stare at me with such a passionate look in your eye, I still can’t say that I’m your benefactor. But I will absolutely protect you. As a hero in the shadows.

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Chikatetsu de bishōjo o mamotta ore, nanorazu sattara zenkoku de eiyū atsukai sa remashita.
地下鉄で美少女を守った俺、 名乗らず去ったら全国で英雄扱いされました。
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