I No Longer Want to Be the Substitute for the Chess Master


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Lin Fu, gentle and graceful, is an orphan with an unknown background. Even the token of recognition was stolen.

In order to find the token, she frequently entered the Nineteenth Chess Pavilion, but she didn’t expect to be coveted because of her beauty and was about to become a plaything.

Fortunately, the young head of the Lan family rescued Lin Fu and gave her an idle job as a chess girl.

At that time, her eyes trembled and she was at a loss, but Lan Xuanyao treated her gently and politely, and took care of her everywhere.

In addition to arranging the chessboard and recording the chess game, he didn’t even let her do miscellaneous work.

Later, Lan Xuanyao was found and turned into the prince of the dynasty.

With some secret expectations, Lin Fu thought that she would be the crown princess as rumored.

But the man said: “You shouldn’t be delusional.”

“You are just a substitute for Chu Tang.”

Lin Fu was so sad when she learned the truth. Just then, the Marquis’ Mansion came to look for her, so she escaped.

Upon learning the news of her death, the always cold and aloof Lan Xuanyao went crazy while holding her cold tablet and fell ill.

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07/02/24 sakai yuji c1
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