I Confessed My Feelings to My Childhood Friend and Was Rejected, so I Went to a Game Offline Meeting as a Distraction and Found That My Longtime Friend Was Actually the First Place Silver-Haired Beautiful Girl in the Class, Who Is Quiet and Cute!


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Amamiya Takaaki, a high school student with a communication disability who loves playing video games, summons up the courage to confess his feelings to his childhood friend Tojo Chika, who is very popular at school, but he is completely rejected by her venomous tone of voice.
Amemiya is depressed by the rejection, but decides to have an off-line meeting with the tough old man avatar as a distraction.

When Amamiya arrives at the meeting place, he finds out that his longtime friend is unexpectedly Karina, a beautiful girl in the same class. She has clear silver hair, snow-white skin, and is half-Russian. She is always salty, but when she finds out that her friend is Amemiya, she talks about the game all the time, even in class……

Amamiya has become friends with Karina, the most beautiful girl in school, and his childhood friend Tojo is—–?

A new kind of sweet romantic comedy that connects reality and games opens with a bang!

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07/01/24 DasuiTL c1
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