I Am Afraid of Losing My Persona Every Day


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Zhiyu was a renowned cosplayer within her industry. Whether she was participating in Comicons or taking on commissioned work, her dedication to accurately portraying her characters and her professional attitude garnered widespread acclaim.

After a video of her cosplaying as a popular character from a mainstream game from an onlooker’s perspective went viral, she became even more sought after. Her hourly commission rate soared, and despite her natural disposition often vastly differing from the characters she portrayed, she persevered through each gig.

That was, until she met You Jinyuan, who offered to pay her an exorbitant sum to reserve an entire month of her time.

Life was tough; playing the role of a sweet girl while being a hardcore mistress of ceremonies all day was exhausting.

2D Lover, oblivious to her charms, wealthy woman x dedicated contrastive sweet-cosplayer girl [mutual attack]

Initially prepared to “sell her body” for money, Zhiyu feared falling into a trap every day… until she realized…

Did she like the character, or did she like me?

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