Her Enchanting Fragrance


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A beautiful and refined woman was rescued by the police force.

She had a tall figure and natural beauty but wasn’t very talkative.

It turns out she has been stalked and retaliated against, facing constant danger, and is now homeless.

Under everyone’s persuasion, the cold and aloof Captain Si reluctantly agreed to temporarily take her in.

On the first day of bringing her home, Si Hang coldly reminded her, “Don’t go into the master bedroom, and feel free to use the rest.”

As a guest in someone else’s home, Zhuang Zi had to be cautious and never dared to step into the master bedroom.

Later, the suspect was caught, and Zhuang Zi could finally move back to her original residence.

Seeing the suitcase at the door, Si Hang leaned close to her, his low and hoarse voice whispering in her ear, “If you stay, I’ll give you the master bedroom.”

– Damsel in Distress vs. Cold-faced Police Captain

Meeting you disrupted my plan of growing old alone.

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