Heavens! Who’s Crazy Enough to Capture the CEO!


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[Dual Protagonists + Transmigration + 1V1 + Mutual Cleanliness (first relationship for both) + Age Gap (Younger Gong) + Daytime Graceful Doctor, Nighttime Ruthless and Crazy Boxer Gong x Black Sesame Gluttonous Rice Dumpling (Abstinent and put together on the outside but soft and passionate inside), CEO Shou + Two-Way HE (mutual pursuit and Happy Ending) + Sweet and Refreshing Romance]

He Yan: By day he is a genius in the medical field, the director of an international private hospital. By Night, he sheds his white coat and transforms into an invincible and crazy underground boxer who sweeps all in his path.

Sheng Yuan: Gentle and refined, but ruthless in his actions. A self-disciplined CEO. When he stomps his foot, the entire city trembles. Has a slight tendency toward self-harm, but is later redeemed by He Yan.

He Yan transmigrated. Upon opening his eyes, he was pressed down and forcefully fed drugs by the villain steward.

To this, He Yan nonchalantly states, “No worries, let’s first deal with the villain.”

Then he takes away the CEO.

First meeting, He Yan: “Mr. Sheng, what kind of mattress do you like?”

Sheng Yuan: “???”

Second meeting, He Yan: “Mr. Sheng, I’m allergic to Chinese medicine, help me!”

Sheng Yuan: “……”

After he sent a villa to his white moonlight… in the Sheng family… The Abstinent CEO Sheng Yuan was pinned against the wall by He Yan: “Darling, be good, keep the keys safe, this is our home.”

The slender Abstinent CEO Sheng Yuan narrowed his eyes fiercely: “Where did the money come from? Did you go back to underground boxing?”

The muscular doctor He Yan, with tears in his eyes: “Darling, go easy…”

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